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Image Resize Issue with Magento version 2.1.6

Technical bulletin updated on May 17, 2017.

These instructions apply to anyone upgrading to Magento Open Source or Magento Commerce version 2.1.6 whose installation runs custom themes. This Technical Bulletin provides both a discussion of the issue and a link to our hot fix for 2.1.6.

Who needs this information?

You need to read this bulletin if you’ve upgraded to Magento 2.1.6 (Open Source or Commerce) and are experiencing any of the following issues:

  • all images on the product frontend appear reduced in size, including the base image

  • images do not have uniform sizes – some are greatly reduced, while others appear as expected. (This particular anomaly occurs after you’ve run the bin/magento catalog:images:resize command.)

You cannot change the size of the base image within the gallery by editing etc > view.xml. Instead, using this method increases image size as well as gallery size, which renders the image out of alignment.


Magento 2.1.6 introduced a change in how the platform handles images associated with custom themes. The frame element adds white space around your image. In Magento 2.1.6, the default value of this optional setting is true.

If your custom theme doesn’t include the frame element, or a value has not been assigned to it, then Magento will rely upon the product_image_white_borders option in the Catalog module for the value of the frame option. The product_image_white_borders setting typically has a value of 1, but is overridden to 0 in the default Luma and Blank themes.


We strongly recommend that you upgrade to 2.1.7 as soon as that release is available. Magento 2.1.7 will contain a fix for this issue as well as critically important security enhancements. We provide the hot fix described in this Technical Bulletin as a temporary fix only.

Magento 2.1.x CE

You can fix this issue with image resizing by downloading and installing the CE-MAGETWO-67805.patch hot fix, and then immediately upgrading to Magento 2.1.7, as soon as it is available.

To download this patch,

1) On Magento Tech Resources, choose Downloads > Magento Community Edition Patches > 2.x.

2) Select the CE-MAGETWO-67805.patch hot fix.

Magento 2.1.x EE

You can fix this issue with image resizing by downloading and installing the EE-MAGETWO-67805.patch hot fix, and then immediately upgrading to Magento 2.1.7, as soon as it is available.

To download this patch,

1) Log in to your EE client account by selecting My Account on

2) After logging in, navigate to MAGETWO-67805 on the Support Patches page (Downloads > Magento Enterprise Edition 2.X > Magento Enterprise Edition 2.x Release > Support Patches > MAGETWO-67805).

3) Select and install the EE-MAGETWO-67805.patch hot fix.

Magento Commerce (Cloud)

General Magento Commerce (Cloud) patches are provided for all Magento Commerce (Cloud) customers in a repository referenced in your composer.json. We apply patches automatically during the build phase when a patch is available. magento-cloud-configuration 101.6.2 contains the hot fix for this image resize issue.

See Update extensions for more information on running composer update to upgrade your Cloud extension.

More information

For further discussion of this issue, see GITHUB-9385 and GITHUB-9395


Dear community members, thank you for your prompt identification of this issue.
