
Magento 1.x Software Support Notice

For Magento Commerce 1, Magento is providing software support through June 2020. Depending on your Magento Commerce 1 version, software support may include both quality fixes and security patches. Please review our Magento Software Lifecycle Policy to see how your version of Magento Commerce 1 is supported.

For Magento Open Source 1.5 to 1.9, Magento is providing software security patches through June 2020 to ensure those sites remain secure and compliant. Visit our information page for more details about our software maintenance policy and other considerations for your business.

Create Attribute

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Module: Product Attributes API

Resource: product_attribute


Allows you to create a new product attribute.


Type Name Description
string sessionId Session ID
array data Array of catalogProductAttributeEntityToCreate


Type Name Description
int result ID of the created attribute

The catalogProductAttributeEntityToCreate content is as follows:

Type Name Description
string attribute_code
Attribute code
Attribute type
Attribute scope. Possible values are as follows: 'store', 'website', or 'global'
Attribute default value
int is_unique
Defines whether the attribute is unique
int is_required
Defines whether the attribute is required
ArrayOfString apply_to
Apply to. Empty for "Apply to all" or array of the following possible values: 'simple', 'grouped', 'configurable', 'virtual', 'bundle', 'downloadable', 'giftcard'
int is_configurable
Defines whether the attribute can be used for configurable products
Defines whether the attribute can be used in Quick Search
Defines whether the attribute can be used in Advanced Search
Defines whether the attribute can be compared on the frontend
Defines whether the attribute can be used for promo rules
Defines whether the attribute is visible on the frontend
Defines whether the attribute can be used in product listing
associativeArray additional_fields
Array of additional fields
array frontend_label
Array of catalogProductAttributeFrontendLabel

The catalogProductAttributeFrontendLabelEntity content is as follows:

Type Name Description
string store_id
Store ID
string label
Text label

Notes: The "label" value for the "store_id" value set to 0 must be specified. An attribute cannot be created without specifying the label for store_id=0.

The AdditionaFieldsEntity array of additional fields for the text type is as follows:

Type Name Description
string frontend_class Input Validation for Store Owner. Possible values are as follows: 'validate-number' (Decimal Number), 'validate-digits' (Integer Number), 'validate-email', 'validate-url', 'validate-alpha' (Letters), 'validate-alphanum' (Letters (a-z, A-Z), or Numbers (0-9))
boolean is_html_allowed_on_front Defines whether the HTML tags are allowed on the frontend
boolean used_for_sort_by Defines whether it is used for sorting in product listing

The AdditionaFieldsEntity array of additional fields for the text area type is as follows:

Type Name Description
boolean is_wysiwyg_enabled Enable WYSIWYG flag
boolean is_html_allowed_on_front Defines whether the HTML tags are allowed on the frontend

The AdditionaFieldsEntity array of additional fields for the date and boolean types is as follows:

Type Name Description
boolean used_for_sort_by Defines whether it is used for sorting in product listing

The AdditionaFieldsEntity array of additional fields for the multiselect type is as follows:

Type Name Description
boolean is_filterable Defines whether it is used in layered navigation
boolean is_filterable_in_search Defines whether it is used in search results layered navigation
int position Position

The AdditionaFieldsEntity array of additional fields for the select and price types is as follows:

Type Name Description
boolean is_filterable Defines whether it is used in layered navigation
boolean is_filterable_in_search Defines whether it is used in search results layered navigation
int position Position
boolean used_for_sort_by Defines whether it is used for sorting in product listing


Fault Code Fault Message
102 Invalid request parameters.
103 Attribute code is invalid. Please use only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) or underscore (_) in this field, first character should be a letter.
104 Incorrect attribute type.
105 Unable to save attribute.


Request Example SOAP V1

$client = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/soap/?wsdl');

// If some stuff requires API authentication,
// then get a session token
$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

$attributeToUpdate = array(
    "scope" => "global",
 "default_value" => "100",
    "frontend_input" => "text",
    "is_unique" => 0,
    "is_required" => 0,
    "is_configurable" => 0,
    "is_searchable" => 0,
    "is_visible_in_advanced_search" => 0,
    "used_in_product_listing" => 0,
    "additional_fields" => array(
        "is_filterable" => 1,
        "is_filterable_in_search" => 1,
        "position" => 1,
        "used_for_sort_by" => 1
    "frontend_label" => array(
            "store_id" => 0,
            "label" => "Updated attribute"

$attributeCode = 'code1';

$result = $client->call($session, 'product_attribute.update', array($attributeCode, $attributeToUpdate));
var_dump ($result);
// If you don't need the session anymore

Request Example SOAP V2
//ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", 0);

$client = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');

$session = $client->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');

// V2 WS-I Mode
//$response = $client->login(array('username' => 'apiUser', 'apiKey' => 'apiKey'));
//$session = $response->result;


$data = array(
   "attribute_code" => "test_attribute",
   "frontend_input" => "text",
   "scope" => "1",
   "default_value" => "1",
   "is_unique" => 0,
   "is_required" => 0,
   "apply_to" => array("simple"),
   "is_configurable" => 0,
   "is_searchable" => 0,
   "is_visible_in_advanced_search" => 0,
   "is_comparable" => 0,
   "is_used_for_promo_rules" => 0,
   "is_visible_on_front" => 0,
   "used_in_product_listing" => 0,
   "additional_fields" => array(),
   "frontend_label" => array(array("store_id" => "0", "label" => "some label"))

$orders = $client->catalogProductAttributeCreate($session, $data);

//V2 WSI
//WSDL WSI Sample is not complete
//$result = $client->catalogProductAttributeCreate(array("sessionId" => $session, "data" => $data));
//$orders = $result->result->complexObjectArray;

echo 'Number of results: ' . count($orders) . '<br/>';
var_dump ($orders);
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