Technology stack

Architectural basics

Magento technology stack

Magento’s highly modular structure includes the following open-source technologies:

Stack components include:

  • PHP (5.5 and 5.6)

  • Coding standards PSR-0 (autoloading standard), PSR-1 (basic coding standards), and PSR-2 (coding style guide), PSR-3, PSR-4

  • HTML5

  • CSS3 (LESS CSS pre-processor)

  • JQuery (primary JavaScript library)

  • RequireJS (library that helps load JavaScript resources on demand)

  • Third-party libraries (Zend Framework 1, Zend Framework 2, Symfony)

  • Apache 2.2, 2.4

  • Nginx 1.7

  • MySQL 5.6

  • Composer (dependency management package for PHP)

Optional stack components include:

  • Varnish (caching)

  • Redis (used for session or page caching)

  • Solr (search engine)

Magento also provides an automated testing suite that includes - amongst others - unit, integration, functional and performance test scripts. Components include PHPUnit for the unit test framework and Selenium for the functional test framework.

This framework is included in dev/tests. The functional testing framework mtaf can be found in the separate repository For more information, see the Functional Testing Framework guide.

Stack basics

Information about routing, caching, and indexing will be provided in a future sprint.

Backward compatibility

Merchants and developers want the process of upgrading between revisions of Magento 2 to be as easy as possible. For merchants, the process must be cost-effective, while developers want their extensions to be forward-compatible for as long as possible.

To help mitigate these concerns, this release introduces a backward compatibility (BC) policy for PHP code. Magento 2.0 uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 to indicate whether a change breaks backward compatibility. Version numbers are in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where:

  • MAJOR indicates incompatible API changes

  • MINOR indicates backward-compatible functionality has been added

  • PATCH indicates backward-compatible bug fixes

The backward compatibility policy applies to PHP code annotated with @api.

We promise to be backward compatible for classes and methods annotated with @api within MINOR and PATCH updates to our components. As changes are introduced, we will annotate methods with @deprecated. The methods will be removed only with the next MAJOR component version. MAJOR changes will be scheduled no more than once per year; likely during the holiday season when site changes are unlikely.