Tabs widget


The Magento tabs widget implements single content area with multiple panels, each associated with a header in a list. It uses the Magento collapsible widget.

The tabs widget source is lib/web/mage/tabs.js.

Initialize the tabs widget

For information about how to initialize a widget in a JS component or .phtml template, see the Initialize JavaScript topic.

Generally the tabs widget is instantiated like following:



  • #element is the selector of the element for tabs is initialized.
    • Phtml template file examples using script:
              'tabs'], function ($) {


      The tabs widget has the following options: * active * ajaxUrlElement * ajaxContent * animate * closedState * collapsible * collapsibleElement * content * disabled * disabledState * header * icons * loadingClass * openedState * openOnFocus * saveState * trigger


      Index of the tab, which is active at the moment of initialization. Starts from "0" **Type**: Number **Default value**: `0`


      Selector for the tab element, which contains the URL for the Ajax request. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: String **Default value**: `[data-ajax=true]`


      Defines if the content is loaded by Ajax request. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: Boolean **Default value**: `false`


      Specifies if the collapse/expand actions are performed with animation. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: Multiple types are supported:
      • Boolean: the false value disables the animation
      • Number: duration in milliseconds
      • String: is parsed to an object as a json string
      • Object:
        duration: <Number>,
        easing: <String>,
        <propToAnimate>: <howToAnimate>
        For details about the object passed, see jQuery.animate().
      **Default value**: `false`


      Class assigned to the tab being closed. **Type**: String **Default value**: `null`


      If this option is set to false, the content is not collapsed when the panel is active. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: Boolean **Default value**: `false`


      Selector of the element for which the collapsible widget is initialized. **Type**: String **Default value**: `[data-role=collapsible]`


      Selector for the content element, searched for using `.find()` on the main collapsible element. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: String **Default value**: `[data-role=content]`


      Array of the elements' indexes which are disabled when the widget is initialized. **Type**: Array of numbers. **Default value**: `[]`


      Class assigned to the tab being currently disabled. **Type**: String **Default value**: `null`


      Selector for the header element, searched for using `.find()` on the main collapsible element. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: String **Default value**: `[data-role=title]`


      The classes for icons to be used in headers. If no classes are specified, icons are not be created. A new span is created and appended to the header, the classes for this span are automatically changed whenever the content gets expanded/collapsed. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: String **Default value**: { header: null, activeHeader: null }


      Class assigned to a tab during content loading for this tab. **Type**: String **Default value**: `null`


      Class name assigned to a tab which is being currently opened. **Type**: String **Default value**: `null`


      Used for setting keyboard navigation. Defines if the tab is expanded when its header is in focus. **Type**: Boolean **Default value**: `true`


      Specifies if the state is saved in the local storage if the browser supports it. Otherwise will be saved into a cookie. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: Boolean **Default value**: `true`


      Selector for the trigger element, applied using `.find()` on the main collapsible element. If the trigger is not found, the header becomes a trigger. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs. **Type**: - String - jQuery object **Default value**: `[data-role=trigger]`


      The tabs widget has the following methods:


      `activate(index)` displays `content` for the tab with the corresponding `index`.


      `enable(index)` enables the tab with the corresponding `index`.


      `deactivate(index)` hides `content` for the tab with the corresponding `index`.


      `disable(index)` disables the tab with the corresponding `index`.


      Tabs is subscribed to the same events as the collapsible widget:

      beforeOpen callback

      Called before the content is opened.


      Called after content is opened or closed.