Magento 2.1.18 is the final 2.1.x release. After June 2019, Magento 2.1.x will no longer receive security patches, quality fixes, or documentation updates.
To maintain your site's performance, security, and PCI compliance, upgrade to the latest version of Magento.

Admin Panel Placement and Design


Magento’s flexible platform lets you place an extension anywhere in the Admin panel. However, it can be difficult finding the right place for your extension and how it should look, so we’ve prepared the following guidelines to help.

Things to Avoid

We discourage practices that diminish the user experience in the Admin. The following design decisions that have been seen in some extensions create a negative user experience and should be avoided.

Icons in the Primary Navigation

Icons should not be added to the primary navigation panel in the Admin. If every extension added its own icon to the primary navigation panel, the interface will quickly become cluttered and unusable.

Icons should not be used in any of the navigation submenu panels to bring attention to your extension. Your navigation listing should conform to the look and feel of its surroundings and not look out of place.

Your extension’s settings and configuration area is an appropriate place to use icons.

For more information about icon design and Magento’s icon library, see the article about Iconography in the Admin Style Guide book.

Advertising in Navigation

It is not appropriate to use the Magento Admin navigation for marketing or to cross-sell extensions after your extensions has been installed in Magento. A new section is under proposal that will possibly be more suitable for marketing and advertising content.

Do not use the name of your company or marketing jargon as part of an extension name or the extension name itself in the Admin. You should create a unique feature name that users will understand because people usually search for extensions by feature or function keywords, not by a company or brand name.

Placement guidelines for extension types

From the list of extension types below, determine the type of extension you have and read the guidance for placement and style.

The names for the types of extensions listed below are for reference purposes only.

Standard Connector

These extensions provide additional API over Magento’s existing API and is responsible for providing settings between Magento and another system.


All required settings for this connector type should appear in the Stores > Settings > Configuration section. The actual listings for these extension settings should appear after all of Magento’s listed settings. All the setting details and configurations should appear in the section to the right.

Connector settings placement


  • The style of the listing for your settings should match the look of Magento’s listed settings.
  • Icons or images should not be used in the navigation listing for your settings.

Store Feature Connector

These extensions are responsible for integrating with different systems and need additional settings displayed under specific entries in the Store > Settings > Configuration section.


The settings for these extensions should be displayed under its respective parent section under the Store > Settings > **Configuration section.

For example, if the extension is for Shipping, then you can place it under Store > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Settings.

Store Feature Connector placement

Connector with additional features

These extensions are responsible for integrating with different systems and need additional settings and configurations for synchronizing with these systems.


If all the settings for an extension can be consolidated into one section, then the extension can be added to one of the primary navigation’s submenu as links under the appropriate parent item. Avoid placing extension settings in multiple sections, such as the Configuration section and another related section.

For example, if your extension is related to the “Reports” functionality then its settings should appear as a link under the Report Section in the Primary navigation.

Connector with additional features placement


  • The styles of the links in the admin should follow the same styles of the default Magento Navigation Links.
  • Do not introduce custom icons in the navigation submenus.

Feature Extensions

These are extensions which provide additional functionality to Magento that do not already exist as a feature. These extensions usually demand an additional primary navigation item.


There will be a new, dedicated section designed for such exclusive extensions. When feature-level extensions are installed, those extensions will live under this section. The exact final name of this new section has not been decided (we welcome your feedback), but in the image below it is named Extensions.

Feature Placement

The name and icon for this section is still TBD. This new section is a future proposal, and we welcome feedback about if and how advertisements should be displayed here.

Since this section is not yet available, you should place your extension in one of the previously mentioned areas where it would be the most appropriate.

Integrated Extensions

These are add-ons to existing Magento feature and might appear as a nested feature.


As these are integrated features no direct/indirect accessible links are available from the admin.

Codebase Extensions

These extensions are created as a code and do not need to have a representation in the admin panel.


As these extensions do not have additional settings no direct/indirect accessible links are available from the admin.
