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JavaScript testing with JsTestDriver

JsTestDriver was removed in Magento 2.2.4. It is recommended that Jasmine be used instead.


Magento JavaScript unit tests use the external JsTestDriver test library. The tests are implemented using the external JsTestDriver API and have their own jsunit.requirejsUtil framework.

After you run the PHP interpreter once to run unit tests, you can run the JavaScript unit tests from the PhpStorm IDE.


To run the automated JavaScript unit tests, you run the run_js_tests.php script inside the PHP interpreter from the command line. When you run the PHP script, it reads configuration files in the <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js directory. It also generates a jsTestDriver.conf YAML configuration file in the <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js directory. The JsTestDriver reads this generated file to run the tests. After you run the PHP interpreter once to run unit tests, you can run the JavaScript unit tests from the PhpStorm IDE.

JsTestDriver test library

Magento JavaScript unit tests use the external JsTestDriver library, which follows JUnit principles. The PHPUnit library also follows these principles.

JsTestDriver API

The unit tests are implemented through the JsTestDriver API. Web developers should be familiar with this API and test structure.

jsunit.requirejsUtil framework

The unit tests also have their own framework. The framework/requirejs-util.js file declares the jsunit.requirejsUtil framework object, which supports testing of RequireJS (AMD) modules.

These modules actively call the global define() function just upon loading rather than passively declaring their classes or functions. RequireJS modules usually do not expose anything to the global state. Instead, the modules pass all declarations to the define() function.

This organization enables testing of RequireJS modules without any additional Magento test framework (MTF) support. jsunit.requirejsUtil intercepts all define() calls and can pass RequireJS modules to their corresponding tests.

For example, <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js/testsuite/mage/requirejs/plugin/id-normalizer-test.js:

var IdNormalizerTest = TestCase('IdNormalizerTest');

IdNormalizerTest.prototype.setUp = function() {
    var defineArgs = jsunit.requirejsUtil.getDefineArgsInScript('lib/web/mage/requirejs/plugin/id-normalizer.js');

    assertNotUndefined('There expected to be a define() call', defineArgs);
    assertEquals('Wrong number of arguments in the define() call', 1, defineArgs.length);

    this.normalizer = defineArgs[0]; // Now we have object to be tested

Configuration files

The run_js_tests.php script processes the jsTestDriver.php.dist and jsTestDriverOrder.php configuration files.

Both files reside in the <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js directory.

jsTestDriver.php.dist file

<magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js/jsTestDriver.php.dist specifies the contents of the YAML configuration file used by JsTestDriver. It contains the following PHP code:

return array(
    'server' => 'http://localhost:9876',
    'proxy' => array(array('matcher' => '/lib/web/*', 'server' => '%s/test/%s/lib/web/')),
    'load' => array(
    'test' => array('/dev/tests/js/testsuite'),
    'serve' => array('/lib/web/mage/calendar')

For a description of these configuration parameters, see Configuration file for test runner.

Parameters are the following:

  • server. The default location of the JsTestDriver server in the form: http://<hostname>:<port>
  • proxy. Sets the JsTestDriver to behave as a proxy. The proxy parameter is an array of arrays that enables you to specify multiple matcher and server proxies.
  • load. Defines the list of files to load in the browser before any tests run.
  • test. Defines the list of test sources to run.
  • serve. Defines the list of static files to load by using the same domain as the JsTestDriver.

jsTestDriverOrder.php file

<magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js/jsTestDriverOrder.php specifies the order in which the JsTestDriver loads certain JavaScript files. It contains the following PHP code:

return array(

The array applies load ordering to the files specified by the load parameter in the jsTestDriver.php or jsTestDriver.php.dist file.

run_js_tests.php script

To run the automated unit tests, you run the run_js_tests.php script inside the PHP interpreter from the command line.

To complete the unit tests, the PHP script completes this processing:

  1. The script looks for the JsTestDriver parameter value in a jsTestDriver configuration file in the <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js directory.

    If found, the script uses the custom jsTestDriver.php configuration file.

    Otherwise, the script uses the default jsTestDriver.php.dist configuration file.

  2. The script looks for the Browser parameter value in the jsTestDriver configuration file that it found. If the parameter is not set in the configuration file, the script uses to the default browser location, as follows:
    • 64-bit Windows. The location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe.
    • Linux. The script runs the which firefox command to determine the location of the Firefox executable in your PATH.
  3. If the script finds the browser executable and the JsTestDriver.jar file, it proceeds with the next step. Otherwise, the script fails.
  4. The script determines the order in which the JsTestDriver loads certain JavaScript files through the jsTestDriverOrder.php configuration file in the <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js directory.

Step 1. Before you begin

On the system where you plan to run the unit tests, install the following prerequisite software:

  • PHP
  • The Firefox browser

    On 64-bit Windows machines, the default installation directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe.

    On Linux machines, locate the browser executable in your PATH.

  • JsTestDriver.jar

Step 2. Configure unit tests

Configuration files are located in the <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js directory.

In a custom jsTestDriver.php configuration file or the default jsTestDriver.php.dist file, set these configuration parameters:

Defines the file path to the executable for the browser.

If you do not set this value, the script uses to the default browser location, as follows:

  • 64-bit Windows. The location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe.
  • Linux. The script runs the which firefox command to determine the location of the Firefox executable in your PATH.
Required. Defines the file path to the JsTestDriver.jar file.

Step 3. Run unit tests

To run the automated JavaScript tests, run the run_js_tests.php script inside the PHP interpreter from the command line:

php <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js/run_js_tests.php

Find the test results in individual .xml files in the <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js/test-output directory.

The output of the PHP command resembles this output:

JsTestDriver output:

$ php <magento2_root_dir>dev/tests/js/run_js_tests.php
java -jar C:\Users\mchiocca\lib\JsTestDriver.jar --config C:\git\magento2\dev\tests\js/jsTestDriver.conf --port 9876 --browser "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" --tests all --testOutput C:\git\magento2\dev\tests\js/test-output
setting runnermode QUIET
Total 36 tests (Passed: 36; Fails: 0; Errors: 0) (138.00 ms)
  Firefox 15.0 Windows: Run 36 tests (Passed: 36; Fails: 0; Errors 0) (138.00 ms)

On Linux, the X Server might generate one or more warning messages in the output:

X Server warning messages on Linux:

FreeFontPath: FPE "unix/:7100" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing.

An X Server bug causes these benign messages, which you can ignore.

When you run the PHP script, it reads two configuration files. It also generates a jsTestDriver.conf YAML configuration file in the <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/js directory. The JsTestDriver reads this generated file to run the tests.

The contents of jsTestDriver.conf resembles this:

Generated jsTestDriver.conf file:

server: http://localhost:9876
  - {matcher: "/lib/web/*", server: "http://localhost:9876/test/C:/git/magento2/lib/web/"}
  - ../../../lib/web/globalize/globalize.js
  - ../../../dev/tests/js/testsuite/mage/calendar/calendar-test.js
  - ../../../lib/web/mage/calendar/calendar.js

Step 4. Use PhpStorm to run unit tests

After the PHP interpreter runs for the first time, you can run the JavaScript unit tests from the PhpStorm IDE.

Complete these steps to use PhpStorm to run unit tests:

  1. Install the JsTestDriver plugin
  2. Start the JsTestDriver server
  3. Create a run configuration
  4. Capture a browser

Install the JsTestDriver plugin

  1. In PhpStorm, open Settings and select Plugins.
  2. Click Browse Repositories….
  3. Right click JSTestDriver Plugin and select Download and Install.
  4. Restart PhpStorm.

Start the JsTestDriver server

  1. At the bottom of the IDE, click JsTestDriver Server.
  2. In the JsTestDriver Server panel, click the green right arrow to start the server.

    The bar changes to yellow and reads There are no captured browsers.

Create a run configuration

  1. Enter a name for the run configuration.
  2. Select Configuration File and provide the location of the jsTestDriver.conf file generated by PHP.
  3. Select Running in IDE.
  4. Click Test Connection. The Connection to http://localhost:9876 is OK, no captured browsers message appears.

Capture a browser

  1. In the JsTestDriver Server panel, click a browser icon.

    The selected browser opens. In the browser, a green header shows the Server: Waiting... message.

    The colored bar in the JsTestDriver Server panel turns green.

    The Ready to run tests message appears.

  2. To run the unit tests, select Run Configuration and click the Run icon.

    A panel at the bottom of the IDE shows the test results.

  3. Depending on whether you have changed one or more configuration files, complete the appropriate step to run the tests:

    • No changed configuration files Use PhpStorm to run the tests. Before you can run the tests, click the red square icon in the JsTestDriver Server panel to stop the JsTestDriver server that runs in PhpStorm. You must also close the captured browser.
    • One or more changed configuration files Use the PHP interpreter at the command line to regenerate the jsTestDriver.conf file and run the tests.