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ActionsColumn component

The ActionsColumns component implements a table’s column responsible for displaying and performing a list of record-related actions.

Configuration options

Option Description Type Default
bodyTmpl Path to the .html template used to render a column's field in the table's body. String ui/grid/cells/actions
draggable Defines whether a user can change column's position in the table by grabbing column's header and dragging it across the table. Boolean false
fieldClass Additional CSS classes added to the column's field elements. {[name: string]: Boolean} {'data-grid-actions-cell': true}
sortable Whether column's fields can be used to sort records in the table. Boolean false
templates.actions A list of actions that will be displayed in column's fields. {[name: String]: ActionItem} -

ActionItem interface

Option Description Type Required
callback Custom action's handler. ColumnAction | Array <ColumnAction> Optional
confirm Confirmation message shown before applying the action.
title: string;
message: string
href The link to open on when the column's element is clicked. String Optional
index Action's identifier. String Required
label Label to be displayed in the field. String Required

Source files

Extends Column:
