Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Convert layout XML files

In addition to the command arguments described in this topic, see Common arguments.

Run all Magento CLI commands as the file system owner.

Overview of layout XML conversion

Use this command to update your layout XML files if you update the corresponding Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) stylesheet.

For more information about layout XML files, see:

Convert layout XML files

Command options:

bin/magento dev:xml:convert [-o|--overwrite] {xml file} {xslt stylesheet}


  • {xml file} is the full path and file name of a layout XML file to convert (required)
  • {xslt stylesheet} is the full path and file name of an XSLT stylesheet file to use for conversion (required)
  • -o|--overwrite include this option to overwrite the existing XML file