Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Admin Number Formats

For more number formats, use the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook on first reference, and the Microsoft Manual of Style on second reference.

Basic Standards

  • For numbers 10 and higher, use numerals. For numbers lower than 10, spell out numbers. See correct examples:
    • Yes – “We offer this service in nine countries.”
    • Yes – “Over 200 companies use this service.”
  • In headlines and "pull quotes", where the number is the focus, use numerals. See correct examples:
    • Yes – “1 in 3 shoppers ...”
    • Yes – “We’re #1”
  • Use numerals for all numbers in the following cases:
    • Units of measurement, including inches, acres, pounds, mph, and percentages
    • Street addresses Example: 9 Franklin St.
  • For large numbers, we use a comma.
    • Correct example: 200,000 - never "200k" or "200 thousand"
    • Exception: In large-format printing, we can use “200k” to add impact. Where this can be used: Posters, billboards, and small internet banners where space is tight.


See Addresses section in Content Formats.


In regular text, write out “percent”. However, the ”%” sign can be used in call-outs, graphics, and large-format content (Example: posters).


  • No – “Merchants have reported increased sales of up to 130%”
  • Yes – “Merchants have reported increased sales of up to 130 percent.”


Do not add a space between the symbol and the number. … Examples: $781, £490, €2,183

This is how we write about money:

No – “$2.00"
No – “$ 2"
Yes – “$2”
Yes – “$2.01”
No – “$1232"
No – “$1232.00"
Yes – “$1,232”
No – “$53,000,000"
No – “$53m"
No – “$53mil"
Yes – “$53 million”
No – “$1,200,000"
No – “$1.2m"
Yes – “$1.2 million”

Dates and Times


  • Do not abbreviate months of the year when they appear by themselves or with a year. … Correct example: “September 2015”.”

  • Months:

    • March, April, May, June, and July are never abbreviated in text.

    • The remaining months are only abbreviated when followed by a date (Jan. 27).

    • Abbreviations to use: Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

  • Never abbreviate …

    • Days of the week … Correct example: Use “Wednesday”, not “Weds.”.

    • Years … Correct example: Use “2017”, not “‘17”.

Correct Examples:

  • The conference begins …

    • In September

    • In September 2017

    • Sept. 8

    • Friday, Sept. 8

    • Friday, Sept. 8, 2017

  • Date-range format, in a sentence: The conference runs Sept. 8-12, 2017.


General Usage:

  • Formatting. Use numerals and “am” or “pm” without a space. Example: 10am.

  • Omit “:00”. Don’t use minutes for on-the-hour time.

  • Example: Exclude minutes for “7am”; include minutes for “10:30pm”.

  • Use “noon” and “midnight”. Do not use 12pm and 12am.

Time Ranges:

  • Use a hyphen between times to indicate a time period. Example: 7am-10:30pm.
  • Exclude the "am" and "pm" when times are both either in the morning or after noon.
    • No – “6am-9am"
    • Yes – “6-9am”
  • Simplify range language:
    • No – “Holiday store hours go from 8am-10pm."
    • Yes – “Holiday store hours are 8am-10pm.”

Time Zones:

  • Formatting. When a time is not adjusted by the system to reflect the current time zone, append the time zone after the time. … Correct examples: “7:30am CT”, “7-10:30am CT”

  • Do not indicate standard or daylight time. … Correct example: Central Time is written as “CT”, not “CST” or “CDT”.

  • Do not use military time. … Incorrect example: Using 19:40, instead of 7:40pm.