Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

CategoryInterface attributes

CategoryInterface defines attributes that can be returned in the category query and the products query.

CategoryInterface attributes

The following table defines the CategoryInterface attributes and objects.

Attribute Type Description
breadcrumbs [Breadcrumb] A Breadcrumb object contains information the categories that comprise the breadcrumb trail for the specified category
canonical_url String The relative canonical URL. This value is returned only if the system setting Use Canonical Link Meta Tag For Categories is enabled
cms_block CmsBlock Contains a category CMS block. This attribute is defined in the CatalogCmsGraphQl module
created_at String Timestamp indicating when the category was created
default_sort_by String The attribute to use for sorting
description String An optional description of the category
id Int An ID that uniquely identifies the category
level Int Indicates the depth of the category within the tree
name String The display name of the category
path_in_store String Category path in the store
path String The path to the category, as a string of category IDs, separated by slashes (/). For example, 1/2/20
position Int The position of the category relative to other categories at the same level in tree
product_count Int The number of products in the category
products(<attributes>) CategoryProducts The list of products assigned to the category
updated_at String Timestamp indicating when the category was updated
url_key String The URL key assigned to the category
url_path String The URL path assigned to the category

A breadcrumb trail is a set of links that shows customers where they are in relation to other pages in the store.

Attribute Data type Description
category_id Int An ID that uniquely identifies the category
category_level Int Indicates the depth of the category within the tree
category_name String The display name of the category
category_url_key String The url key assigned to the category
category_url_path String The url path assigned to the category

CategoryProducts object

The products attribute can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data type Description
currentPage Int Specifies which page of results to return. The default value is 1
pageSize Int Specifies the maximum number of results to return at once. This attribute is optional. The default value is 20
sort ProductAttributeSortInput Specifies which attribute to sort on, and whether to return the results in ascending or descending order. Searches and pagination in GraphQL describes sort orders

The CategoryProducts object contains the following attributes:

Attribute Data type Description
items [ProductInterface] An array of products that are assigned to the category. See ProductInterface for more information
page_info SearchResultPageInfo An object that includes the page_info and currentPage values specified in the query
total_count Int The number of products returned

CmsBlock attributes

The CmsBlock object can contain the following attributes:

Attribute Data type Description
content String The content of the CMS block in raw HTML
identifier String The CMS block identifier
title String The title assigned to the CMS block