Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Enable or disable modules

First steps

  1. Log in to the Magento server as, or switch to, a user with permissions to write to the Magento file system. See switch to the file system owner.

    If you use the bash shell, you can use the following syntax to switch to the file system owner and enter the command at the same time:

    su <file system owner> -s /bin/bash -c <command>

    If the file system owner does not allow logins, you can do the following:

    sudo -u <file system owner>  <command>
  2. To run Magento commands from any directory, add <magento_root>/bin to your system PATH.

    Because shells have differing syntax, consult a reference like

    Sample bash shell for CentOS:

    export PATH=$PATH:/var/www/html/magento2/bin

    Optionally, you can run the commands in the following ways:

    • cd <magento_root>/bin and run them as ./magento <command name>
    • <magento_root>/bin/magento <command name>
    • <magento_root> is a subdirectory of your web server docroot.

In addition to the command arguments discussed here, see Common arguments.


This command has no prerequisites.

Module status

Use the following command to list enabled and disabled modules:

bin/magento module:status [--enabled] [--disabled] [<module-name>]


  • --enabled lists all enabled modules.
  • --disabled lists all disabled modules.
  • <module-name> specifies which module to return the status of. You cannot specify multiple module names.

Module enable, disable

To enable or disable available modules, use the following command:

bin/magento module:enable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all] <module-list>
bin/magento module:disable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all] <module-list>


  • <module-list> is a space-delimited list of modules to enable or disable. If any module name contains special characters, enclose the name in either single or double quotes.
  • --all to enable or disable all modules at the same time.
  • -f or --force to force a module to be enabled or disabled despite dependencies. Before you use this option, see About enabling and disabling modules.
  • -c or --clear-static-content cleans generated static view files.

    Failure to clear static view files might result in issues if there are multiple files with the same name and you do not clear all of them.

    In other words, because of the static file fallback rules, if you do not clear static files and there is more than one file named logo.svg that are different, fallback might cause the wrong file to display.

For example, to disable the Weee module, enter:

bin/magento module:disable Magento_Weee

For important information about enabling and disabling modules, see About enabling and disabling modules.

Update the database

If you enabled one or more modules, run the following command to update the database:

bin/magento setup:upgrade

Then clean the cache:

bin/magento cache:clean

About enabling and disabling modules

Magento enables you to enable or disable currently available modules; in other words, any Magento-provided module or any third-party module that is currently available.

Certain modules have dependencies on other modules, in which case you might not be able to enable or disable a module because it has dependencies on other modules.

In addition, there might be conflicting modules that cannot both be enabled at the same time.


  • Module A depends on Module B. You cannot disable Module B unless you first disable Module A.

  • Module A depends on Module B, both of which are disabled. You must enable module B before you can enable module A.

  • Module A conflicts with Module B. You can disable Module A and Module B, or you can disable either module but you cannot enable Module A and Module B at the same time.

  • Dependencies are declared in the require field in Magento’s composer.json file for each module. Conflicts are declared in the conflict field in modules’ composer.json files. We use that information to build a dependency graph: A->B means module A depends on module B.

  • A dependency chain is the path from a module to another one. For example, if module A depends on module B and module B depends on module C, then the dependency chain is A->B->C.

If you attempt to enable or disable a module that depends on other modules, the dependency graph displays in the error message.

It’s possible that module A’s composer.json declares a conflict with module B but not vice versa.

Command line module enable or disable subcommand only: To force a module to be enabled or disabled regardless of its dependencies, use the optional --force argument.

Using --force can disable your Magento store and cause problems accessing the Admin.