Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Component Status

This page shows the status of each component for the Magento 2.3.0 beta release and is intended to show you the readiness of different components.

Each status color indicates the severity and amount of 2.3.0 beta related issues for a particular component.

  • Red - The module has critical and blocking issues that make this module unstable.
  • Yellow - The module has some issues that may cause problems, but it is still functional.
  • Green - The module has no significant or outstanding issues.

The issues used to generate the status of these components come from verified internal and GitHub reports for Magento 2.3.0 beta. Issues that are not related to the 2.3.0 beta release are not part of this report.

CE Modules

Name Status
Infrastructure/ App Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Autoload Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Cache Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Code Process Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Composer Green
Infrastructure/ Configuration Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Data Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Database Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Dependency Injection Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Entity Manager Green
Infrastructure/ Exception Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Functional Tests Green
Infrastructure/ Gallery JS Green
Infrastructure/ I/O Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Integration Test Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Integration Tests Green
Infrastructure/ JS framework Green
Infrastructure/ Locale Green
Infrastructure/ Message Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Module Framework Green
Infrastructure/ MVC Model Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Performance Green
Infrastructure/ Session Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Unit Test Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Unit Tests Green
Infrastructure/ UserExperience Green
Infrastructure/ ViewAndDesign Green
Lib/ Data Grid Green
Lib/ HTML Green
Lib/ Templating Engine Green
Lib/ Timezone Green
Module/ AdminNotification Green
Module/ AdvancedPricingImportExport Green
Module/ Analytics Green
Module/ Authorizenet Green
Module/ Backup Green
Module/ Braintree Green
Module/ Bundle Green
Module/ CacheInvalidate Green
Module/ Captcha Green
Module/ Catalog Yellow
Module/ CatalogImportExport Green
Module/ CatalogInventory Green
Module/ CatalogRule Green
Module/ Catalog/ Pricing Green
Module/ CatalogSearch/ Search Frontend Green
Module/ CatalogUrlRewrite Green
Module/ Checkout/ Guest Checkout Green
Module/ Checkout/ Mini Shopping Cart Green
Module/ Checkout/ One Page Checkout Yellow
Module/ Checkout/ Shopping Cart Green
Module/ Cms/ CMS Content Yellow
Module/ Cms/ CMS Hierarchy Green
Module/ Config Green
Module/ ConfigurableProduct Green
Module/ Cookie Green
Module/ Cron Green
Module/ CurrencySymbol Green
Module/ Customer/ Customer Account Green
Module/ Customer/ Customer Groups Green
Module/ Customer/ Customers Green
Module/ CustomerImportExport Green
Module/ Deploy Green
Module/ Developer Green
Module/ Directory Green
Module/ Downloadable Green
Module/ Eav Green
Module/ Email Green
Module/ FedEx Green
Module/ GiftMessage Green
Module/ GoogleAnalytics Green
Module/ GroupedProduct Green
Module/ Indexer Green
Module/ Integration Green
Module/ ImportExport Green
Module/ LayeredNavigation Green
Module/ Msrp Green
Module/ NewRelicReporting Green
Module/ Newsletter Green
Module/ Pagecache Green
Module/ PasswordManagement Green
Module/ Payment/ Payment Methods Green
Module/ Paypal Green
Module/ PayPal/ Billing Agreement Green
Module/ Persistent Green
Module/ ProductAlert Green
Module/ ProductVideo Green
Module/ Quote Green
Module/ Reports Green
Module/ Review Green
Module/ Rss Green
Module/ Rule Green
Module/ SalesRule Green
Module/ Sample Data Green
Module/ Search Green
Module/ Setup Green
Module/ Shipping Green
Module/ Store Green
Module/ Swagger Green
Module/ Swatches Green
Module/ Tax Yellow
Module/ Theme Green
Module/ Translation Green
Module/ UI Green
Module/ UPS Green
Module/ UrlRewrite Green
Module/ User Green
Module/ USPS Green
Module/ Webapi/ Web API Framework Green
Module/ Widget Green
Module/ Wishlist Green
Tools/ Console Green
Tools/ Dev Tools Green
Tools/ Web Server Configuration Green

EE Modules

Name Status
Infrastructure/ Amqp Framework Green
Module/ AdminGWS Green
Module/ AdvancedCatalog Green
Module/ AdvancedSearch Green
Module/ Banner Yellow
Module/ BundleStaging Green
Module/ CatalogEvent Green
Module/ CatalogInventoryStaging Green
Module/ CatalogPermissions Green
Module/ CatalogRuleStaging Green
Module/ CatalogStaging Green
Module/ CmsStaging Green
Module/ CustomAttributeManagement Green
Module/ CustomerBalance Green
Module/ CustomerCustomAttributes Yellow
Module/ CustomerFinance Green
Module/ CustomerSegment Green
Module/ Cybersource Green
Module/ ElasticSearch Green
Module/ Enterprise Green
Module/ GiftCard Green
Module/ GiftRegistry Green
Module/ GiftWrapping Green
Module/ GoogleTagManager Green
Module/ Invitation Green
Module/ Logging Green
Module/ MultipleWishlist Green
Module/ Reminder Green
Module/ Reward Green
Module/ Rma Green
Module/ ScalableOMS Green
Module/ ScheduledImportExport Green
Module/ Staging Green
Module/ Support Green
Module/ TargetRule Green
Module/ VersionsCms Green
Module/ VisualMerchandiser Green

B2B Modules

Name Status
Module/ Company Green
Module/ NegotiableQuote Green
Module/ SharedCatalog Green

Misc Modules

Name Status
devbox Green
Documentation Green
Framework/ DB Green
Framework/ Indexer Green
Framework/ Setup Green
Framework/ Url Green
Infrastructure/ Cloud Green
Infrastructure/ GraphQL Framework Green
Infrastructure/ Integrity Tests Green
Infrastructure/ MPAF Green
Infrastructure/ Static Tests Green
Module/ B2b Green
Module/ Backend Green
Module/ CatalogWidget Green
Module/ GraphQL Green
Module/ MediaStorage Green
Module/ MessageQueue Green
Module/ PageBuilder Green
Module/ ReleaseNotification Green
Module/ Sales Yellow
None Green
Tools/ Utilities Green