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Using custom fonts

The Magento application contains a set of built-in fonts, but you can easily include custom fonts. This topic describes how to include a locally stored custom font in your Magento theme.

If you are new to Magento theme development, see Create a theme to get familiar with the basics.

To ensure the stability of your customizations and prevent upgrades from overwriting your customizations, do not change the default Magento theme files. You must include custom fonts in the your theme’s stylesheet.

  1. Add font files to your local theme directory. For example, app/design/frontend/<your_vendor_name>/<your_theme_name>/web/fonts.

    To add external fonts, add font references to the page configuration file as described in Include static resources (JavaScript, CSS, fonts).

  2. If you build a theme using the Magento UI library, declare the font by adding the .lib-font-face mixin to the app/design/frontend/<your_vendor_name>/<your_theme_name>/web/css/source/_typography.less file:

         @font-path: '@{baseDir}fonts/<path_to_font_file>',
         @font-weight: <font_weight>,
         @font-style: <font_style>


    • {@baseDir} stands for the app/design/frontend/<you_vendor_name>/<your_theme_name>/web directory.
    • <path_to_font_file> includes the font file name, but without the extension. For example, @font-path: '@{baseDir}fonts/Luma-Icons' for the font stored in web/fonts/Luma-Icons.woff.

    The mixin generates the CSS, which includes the font. The following example shows how to generate CSS for the Open Sans font in the Blank theme:

     @font-face {
         font-family: 'Open Sans';
         src: url('../fonts/opensans/light/opensans-300.eot');
         src: url('../fonts/opensans/light/opensans-300.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/opensans/light/opensans-300.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../fonts/opensans/light/opensans-300.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/opensans/light/opensans-300.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/opensans/light/opensans-300.svg#Open Sans') format('svg');
         font-weight: 300;
         font-style: normal

    Overview of Magento’s Icon CSS

In addition to including custom fonts in your Magento Blank theme, you also can include custom fonts for any icons in the Blank theme. The icon font files for the Magento Blank theme are located in the lib/web/fonts/Blank-Theme-Icons directory. The lib/web/css/source/lib/variables/_typography.less file defines the font icon path and name for the icons and the web/css/source/_icons.less file uses these files to define the icon font face itself, which should be used in all CSS declarations.

The Unicode characters that correspond to the correct font glyphs for each icon are defined in the following lib/web/css/source/lib/variables/_icons.less file.

By calling the lib-icon-font mixin, you can apply the icon font and character variables throughout the theme LESS code.

To customize a font you import, consider using IcoMoon.

If your theme does not use the Magento UI library, include the font in your theme’s CSS files using the @font-face CSS rule.
