Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Float Comparator


The Magento\Framework\Math\FloatComparator library provides methods to compare float values with an approriate epsilon value (0.00001). Floats usually have rounding errors while doing mathematical operations, so the conventional way of comparing two floats using the equality operator (==), may not always lead to expected results. For more information, please refer to this article.


Method Description
equal Compares two given floats and returns a boolean value describing if they’re equal.
greaterThan Compares two given floats and returns a boolean value describing if the first float is greater than the second float.
greaterThanOrEqual Compares two given floats and returns a boolean value describing if the first float is greater than or equal to the second float.


In the examples below, the $this->floatComparator property is an instantiated object of the Magento\Framework\Math\FloatComparator class.

Check if two floats are equal

$isEqual = $this->floatComparator->equal(1.002, 1.002);

Checks if the first float is greater than the second float

$isGreater = $this->floatComparator->greaterThan(1.0004, 1.002);

Checks if the first float is greater than or equal to the second float

$isGreaterOrEqual = $this->floatComparator->greaterThanOrEqual(1.0004, 1.0004);