Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Module version dependencies

Magento platform clients need notifications about breaking changes for their installed extensions and customizations when they upgrade their Magento installation.

To achieve this, all third-party modules must obey the following rules:

  1. You must specify the dependency on all modules listed in the require section of your module’s composer.json file.
  2. Do not specify a dependency on meta packages (e.g. product-community-edition).
  3. Specify a module’s MAJOR and/or MINOR version number if you use any of that module’s customization points.
  4. Specify a module’s MAJOR, MINOR, and PATCH versions if you call or customize a module’s private code.

Service Provider Interfaces

A PHP Interface in Magento can be used several ways by the core product and extension developers.

  • As an API. An interface is called by PHP code.
  • As a Service Provider Interface (SPI). An interface can be implemented, allowing code to provide functionality to the platform.
  • As both. For example, in a service contract, we expect all calls to a module to be done through the Interface (API), but we also have support for third parties to provide alternate implementations (SPI). APIs and SPIs are not mutually exclusive. Therefore, we do not distinguish them separately. SPIs are annotated the same as APIs.

However, the dependency rules are different:

  • If a module uses (calls) an API, it should be dependent on the MAJOR version and the system provides backward compatibility in scope of current major version.

    API dependency example

      "require": {
      "magento/customer": "~2.0",
  • If a module implements an API/SPI, it should be dependent on the MAJOR+MINOR version, and the system provides backward compatibility in scope of the current minor version.

    SPI dependency example

      "require": {
      "magento/customer": "~2.0.0",

Determine module dependency

The following table lists common use cases for API/customization points and the version dependency for each use case. Use this table to set the appropriate version dependency on a module based on how you use its API/customization points.

API/Customization Point Third-party Use Case Version Dependency
PHP Interface (marked with @api) Inject in a constructor and/or call methods MAJOR
  Implement the interface MINOR
  Re-define the interface preference in di.xml MINOR
  Add a plugin to the interface MAJOR
PHP Class (marked with @api) Inject in a constructor MAJOR
  Extend from an abstract class MAJOR
  Add a plugin to the class MAJOR
  Configure class preference in di.xml MAJOR
  Configure constructor argument in di.xml MAJOR
  Use class constant MAJOR
PHP Class (NOT marked with @api) Inject in a constructor PATCH
  Extend from an abstract class PATCH
  Configure class preference in di.xml PATCH
  Configure constructor argument in di.xml PATCH
  Use class constant PATCH
JavaScript Interface (marked with @api) Inject in a constructor and/or call methods MAJOR
  Implement the interface MINOR
JavaScript class (marked with @api) Inject in a constructor MAJOR
  Extend from a class MINOR
  Override a method MINOR
  Subscribe to an event MINOR
Virtual Type Configure a virtual type in the di.xml file as a class dependency MAJOR
URL Paths Link to from custom pages MAJOR
Console commands and their arguments Called in custom shell scripts MAJOR
Less variables and mixins Use in LESS declarations MAJOR
Message queue topics and data types Consume a topic/message MINOR
  Publish an existing topic MAJOR
Layout handles declared by modules Instance blocks added MAJOR
  Blocks and containers moved/removed MAJOR
Static and dynamic events triggered by a component Subscribing to event MAJOR
XML configuration type Provide another configuration to the configuration type MAJOR
  Extend existing XSD MINOR
Structure of System Configuration fields used by module Configure module through System Configuration values MAJOR
  Read system configuration using config path MAJOR
Database structure Read/write to a table MAJOR
  Add a column to a table MINOR
  Declare a foreign key on a module table MAJOR
  Declare a trigger on a module table MAJOR
  Read from table or write to table from a temporary table PATCH