Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Step 1. Configure your environment

Order processing with Inventory Management

This step guides you through the process of configuring your Magento instance so that you can perform the Order Processing with Inventory Management tutorial.

Create two websites

Sales Channels are entities from which you sell inventory. You can set up Magento websites to be sales channels, and Magento supports extensions for creating other types of channels.

In this tutorial, we’ll create the infrastructure needed to implement a US and a German store.

Create the North America website

  1. Log in to Admin and select Stores > Settings > All Stores. Click Create Website, then assign the following values:

    Field Value
    Name North America Site
    Code na_site

    Click Save Web Site.

  2. Click Create Store and assign the following values:

    Field Value
    Web Site North America Site
    Name North America Store
    Code na_store
    Root Category Default Category

    Click Save Store.

  3. Click Create Store View and assign the following values:

    Field Value
    Store US Store
    Name US Store View
    Code us
    Status Enabled

    Click Save Store View.

Create the Europe website

  1. Select Stores > Settings > All Stores and click the Create Website button. Assign the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Europe Site
    Code eu_site

    Click Save Web Site.

  2. Click Create Store and assign the following values:

    Field Value
    Web Site Europe Site
    Name Europe Store
    Code eu_store
    Root Category Default Category

    Click Save Store.

  3. Click Create Store View and assign the following values:

    Field Value
    Store Europe Store
    Name Germany Store View
    Code de
    Status Enabled

    Click Save Store View.

Configure website URLs (Optional)

To make it easier to locate products and log in as a customer later in this tutorial, configure Magento to add the store code to the URL.

  1. Click Stores > Setting* > Configuration > Web and expand the Url Options section.
  2. Change the value of Add Store Code to Urls to Yes.
  3. Click Save Config.

Configure payment and shipping methods

For this tutorial, we’ll assume that payment and shipping methods are configured globally. You can also make configuration changes at the website or store view level.

Set the payment method

Since the Luma store is for demonstration purposes only, it is not set up to handle credit card payments. However, it can simulate any of the following offline payment methods:

Payment type Configuration name Enabled by default?
Check/Money Order checkmo Yes
Bank Transfer Payment banktransfer No
Cash on Delivery cashondelivery No
Purchase Order purchaseorder No
Zero Subtotal Checkout free Yes

In this tutorial, configure Magento to accept bank transfer payments. To allow bank transfer payments (or any other offline payment method) as a payment method:

  1. Log in to Admin and select Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.
  2. Enable the payment method.
  3. Click Save Config.

Configure supported delivery methods (optional)

If an order contains one or more physical products, then the customer must either specify a delivery method or select a location for in-store pickup. Downloadable items cannot be shipped, and Magento does not calculate shipping charges for downloadable items.

Since we are not actually shipping any products in this tutorial, we do not need to set up an account with a shipping company such as UPS or Federal Express. Instead, we can use the offline delivery methods that are configured by default.

Shipping type Configuration name Enabled by default?
Flat rate flatrate Yes
Table rate tablerate Yes
Free shipping freeshipping No
In-store pickup pickup No

To change which offline delivery methods are available:

  1. Select Stores > Settings > Configuration > Sales > Delivery Methods in Admin.
  2. Enable the In-store pickup delivery method and adjust the status of any other delivery method, as desired.
  3. Click Save Config.

Reindex and flush the cache

Required: Perform a full reindex and flush the cache.

bin/magento indexer:reindex && bin/magento cache:flush

Verify this step

Click Stores > Settings > All Stores. The websites, stores, and store views are displayed in the grid.