Adobe Commerce 2.3 reached end of support in September 2022.

Using DocBlock Annotations

DocBlock annotations help to declare context in your code. In addition to built-in PHPUnit annotations , the Integration testing framework provides custom annotations described in this topic.

Quick overview

The following annotations are available in integration tests:

Name Annotation Format Description
Application Isolation @magentoAppIsolation @magentoAppIsolation enabled|disabled Enables or disables application isolation when you run tests. When enabled, an application state after a test run will be the same as before the test run. For example, you should enable it, when you want to create sessions in a test, but you don’t want them to affect other tests.
Configuration Fixture @magentoConfigFixture @magentoConfigFixture [<store_code>_store] <config_path> <config_value> Sets up configuration settings for a particular test. The list of settings is stored in the core_config_data database table. After the test execution, the settings revert to their original state.
Database Isolation @magentoDbIsolation @magentoDbIsolation enabled|disabled Enables or disables database isolation. Disabled by default, unless you are using @magentoDataFixture, in which case it is enabled by default. All data, required for a test, live during transaction only. Any test results won’t be written in a database.
Data Fixture @magentoDataFixture @magentoDataFixture <script_filename>|<method_name> Points to a class or a method which creates testing entities (fixtures) for test execution.
Application Area @magentoAppArea @magentoAppArea adminhtml|frontend|global Configures test environment in the context of specified application area.
Enable/Disable Cache @magentoCache @magentoCache <type>|all enabled|disabled Enables or disables certain cache segment or all of them to prevent isolation problems.
Register Components @magentoComponentsDir @magentoComponentsDir <dir_path> Registers fixture components from specified directory (recursively). Unregisters the components after the test is finished.

Applying annotations

The Magento-specific annotations for integration tests are applied in the following order:

  1. @magentoAppIsolation
  2. @magentoDbIsolation
  3. @magentoDataFixture
  4. @magentoComponentsDir
  5. @magentoAppArea
  6. @magentoCache
  7. @magentoConfigFixture

This order is necessary to meet the requirement of setting up the store-scoped configuration values for fixture stores (stores that are created by data fixtures).