Magento Commerce only

Integrate with the NegotiableQuote module

Negotiable quotes are a mechanism that allows a company user (buyer) and a seller (admin user) to negotiate product and/or shipping prices before the company user places an order. Its functionality is available for companies only.

The negotiable quote lifecycle includes a number of stages, as shown on the diagram below.

Negotiable quote workflow

The quoting process itself can be a continuous process, with a number of repeating cycles until the agreement is reached.

  • The buyer creates and submits a negotiable quote
  • The seller reviews and modifies or declines the quote
  • The buyer reviews the seller’s counteroffer
  • Upon agreement, the buyer begins the checkout process and the system converts the negotiable quote into an order

You cannot negotiate prices on individual items.

Quote statuses

The quote life cycle is managed via quote statuses. The quoting interface allows both a seller and a buyer to manage items in the quote (add, delete, change quantity) as well as make an offer (or request a quote) for items and/or for shipping.

The negotiated price set in the negotiable quote is exactly the price that will be applied on a quote during checkout, order generation, and invoice generation.

Status Description Available actions to seller
New The buyer submitted the quote, but the seller has not opened it yet. The buyer can edit the quote.

The system creates a new quote record with its own ID.
Open The seller has opened the submitted quote and is reviewing/modifying it. The seller can edit the quote, but the buyer cannot. View, submit, decline, save as draft.

Edit the expiration date, item quantity, add/remove product items, enter a proposed price, add shipping method and shipping price, add comments.
Submitted The seller has reviewed the quote and has sent it back to buyer. The seller cannot edit the quote. View
Client reviewed The buyer has opened the quote submitted by seller and is modifying it, by changing items or adding a shipping address. The seller cannot edit the quote. View
Updated The buyer has re-submitted the quote to seller. The seller can edit the quote, but the buyer cannot. View, submit, decline, save as draft.

Edit the expiration date, item quantity, add/remove product items, enter a proposed price, add shipping method and shipping price, add comments.
Ordered The buyer has purchased the quote, and Magento converts the quote to an order. Neither the seller nor the buyer can edit the quote. View
Closed The buyer has cancelled the quote and thus stopped the negotiation process. Neither the seller nor the buyer can edit the quote.

The buyer clicks the Close button from the Quote details page. (Not available using Web API)
Declined The seller has declined the quote. All custom pricing (if any) is removed from the quote. In admin panel, the quote is locked for editing. View
Expired The quote is on the buyer’s side, and the quote’s expiration date has passed. View

The following table maps the internal Magento system state to the statuses displayed on the Storefront and Admin.

System state Buyer status Seller status
Created Submitted New
Processing by customer Open Client Reviewed
Processing by admin Pending Open
Submitted by customer Submitted Updated
Submitted by admin Updated Submitted
Ordered Ordered Ordered
Expired Expired Expired
Declined Declined Declined
Closed Closed Closed

The following diagram shows the negotiable quote lifecycle from the perspective of statuses.

Negotiable quote status
