Introduction to the Magento Functional Testing Framework

The Magento Functional Tesitng Framework (MFTF) is a framework used to perform automated end-to-end functional testing.


  • To facilitate functional testing and minimize the effort it takes to perform regression testing.
  • Enable extension developers to provide the Functional Tests to offered extensions.
  • Ensuring a common standard of quality between Magento, Extension Developers and System Intergrators.

MFTF also focuses on

  • Traceability for clear logging and reporting capabilities.
  • Modularity to run tests based on installed modules and extensions.
  • Customizability for existing tests.
  • Readability using clear and declarative XML test steps.
  • Maintainability based on simple test creation and overall structure.


  • Contributors: Tests build confidence about the results of changes introduced to the platform.
  • Extension Developers: Can adjust expected behaviour according to their customizations.
  • System Integrators: MFTF coverage provided out-of-the-box with Magento is solid base for Acceptance / Regression Tests.

MFTF tests

The MFTF supports two different locations for storing the tests and test artifacts:

  • <magento_root>/app/code/<vendor_name>/<module_name>/Test/Mftf/ is the location of local, customized tests.
  • <magento_root>/vendor/<vendor_name>/<module_name>/Test/Mftf/ is location of tests provided by Magento and vendors.

If you installed Magento with Composer, please refer to vendor/magento/<module_dir>/Test/Mftf/ for examples.

Directory Structure

The file structure under both of the both path cases is the same:

└── Mftf
    ├── ActionGroup
    │   └── ...
    ├── Data
    │   └── ...
    ├── Metadata
    │   └── ...
    ├── Page
    │   └── ...
    ├── Section
    │   └── ...
    └── Test
        └── ...

We are actively developing functional tests. Check out the MFTF Test Migration repository.

Use cases

  • Contributor: changes the core behaviour, fixing the annoing bug. He wants to have automated “supervisor” which is going to verify his work continuously across the stages of bug fixing. Finally, when fix is done - Functional Test is also proof of work done.
  • Extension Developer: offers extension that changes core behaviour. He can easily write new tests to make sure that after enabling the feature, Magento behaves properly. Everything with just extending existing tests. As a result he don’t need to write coverage from scratch.
  • Integration Agency: maintains Client’s e-commerce. They are able to customize tests delivered with Magento core to follow customizations implemented to Magento. After each upgrade they can just run the MFTF tests to know that no regression was introduced.

MFTF output

  • Generated PHP Codeception tests
  • Codeception results and console logs
  • Screenshots and HTML failure report
  • Allure formatted XML results
  • Allure report dashboard of results

Find your MFTF version

There are two options to find out your MFTF version:

  • using the MFTF CLI
  • using the Composer CLI

All the Command Line commands needs to be executed from <magento_root>


vendor/bin/mftf --version

Composer CLI

composer show magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework

Contents of dev/tests/acceptance

      _data                       // Additional files required for tests (e.g. pictures, CSV files for import/export, etc.)
      _output                     // The directory is generated during test run. It contains testing reports.
      _suite                      // Test suites.
      _bootstrap.php              // The script that executes essential initialization routines.
      functional.suite.dist.yml   // The Codeception functional test suite configuration (generated while running 'bin/mftf build:project')
utils                           // The test-running utilities.
.env.example                    // Example file for environmental settings.
.credentials.example            // Example file for credentials to be used by the third party integrations (generated while running 'bin/mftf build:project'; should be filled with the appropriate credentials in the corresponding sandboxes).
.gitignore                      // List of files ignored by git.
.htaccess.sample                // Access settings for the Apache web server to perform the Magento CLI commands.
codeception.dist.yml            // Codeception configuration (generated while running 'bin/mftf build:project')

MFTF on Github

Follow the MFTF project and contribute on Github.
