Upgrade the Magento application and modules

Upgrade the Magento application and modules

This topic discusses the ways you can:

  • Upgrade (that is, patch) the Magento software from version 2.2.0 to 2.2.1, for example
  • Update any of the following:

    • Modules (also referred to as extensions; extend Magento capabilities)
    • Themes (change the look and feel of your storefront and Admin)
    • Language packages (localize the storefront and Admin)
  • Uninstall extensions

Upgrade the Magento application

The way you upgrade (that is, patch) the Magento application depends on how you installed it:

  • Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce: If you used Composer to install the Magento application or if you downloaded an archive, use the System Upgrade utility or the command line.
  • Magento Open Source only: If you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository because you are contributing code to the Magento Open Source codebase, upgrade the software manually.
  • If your Magento root directory is <your Magento install directory/pub>, you can upgrade in any of the following ways:
    • For the upgrade, create another subdomain or docroot that uses the Magento installation directory as its root.

    Run the System Upgrade utility as discussed in this topic using that subdomain or docroot.

  • To upgrade from Magento Open Source to Magento Commerce, see Upgrade from Open Source to Commerce.

System upgrade refers to updating the Magento 2.x core modules and other installed modules. To migrate from Magento 1.x to Magento 2, see the Migration Guide.

For upgrade or update, you must use the same authentication keys you used to install the Magento software.

For example, you cannot use Magento Open Source authentication keys to update or upgrade Magento Commerce or vice versa. You also cannot use another user’s authentication keys or Shared account authentication keys.

Related topics

Complete the tasks discussed in Prerequisites.
