Magento Marketplace example

This topic provides a simple example of getting free extensions for Magento Open Source . For more detail, see the Marketplace quick tour.

Log in to Magento Marketplace

To get started, log in to Magento Marketplace using your credentials.

If you don’t have an account yet:

  1. Click Sign In and the top right of the page as the following figure shows:

    Sign in to Marketplace

  2. In the right pane, click Create an account.

    Create a Marketplace account

Find an extension or theme

Browse Marketplace to find an extension or theme. For example, you can enter all or part of a name in the search field, you can scroll down the page, or you can select options from the filters.

Add to cart

Supply any required information for the extension or theme and click Add to Cart.

Check out

The following figure shows a sample cart.

Marketplace shopping cart

When you’re ready, click Go to Checkout and follow the prompts on your screen to complete your purchase.

Install your new purchases

Use the Component Manager to install your purchases.
