Sample template tutorial

Step 1. Start the procedure

Add the content for each step as you see fit.

Metadata parameters

The procedural steps of a tutorial use the subtitle metadata parameter.

Parameter Description
layout: Must be tutorial.
level3_subgroup: A group name that binds the tutorial topics together. This value must be specified on each topic in the tutorial.
title: The title of the topic. This value should be in the form Step X. Perform this task. (For example, Step 1. Configure the Store)
menu_title: Optional. Use this parameter only if you don’t want the title in the left navigation to match the topic title.
subtitle The title of the tutorial. This value should match the title value in the index file.
menu_order: The sequence number of the topic. For the index page in a multi-step tutorial, set this 0. Otherwise set it to the step number.
return_to: Defines the tutorial’s parent page. The parent page title is displayed in the left navigation above the tutorial steps. Do not specify a value for the return_to: parameter. Instead, specify values for these second-level parameters:

title: The title of the parent topic

url: The URL of the parent topic
ee_only: Optional. If set to true, graphics/cues indicating that the article applies to Magento Commerce are displayed on devdocs.


layout: tutorial
level3_subgroup: order-tutorial
title: Step 1. Configure the store
subtitle: Order processing tutorial
  title: REST tutorials
  url: rest/tutorials/index.html
menu_order: 1

Secondary heading

Use a Head2 (## Heading) as the highest-level heading in this topic.
