Admin Number Formats

For more number formats, use the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook on first reference, and the Microsoft Manual of Style on second reference.

Basic Standards

  • For numbers 10 and higher, use numerals. For numbers lower than 10, spell out numbers. See correct examples:
    • Yes – “We offer this service in nine countries.”
    • Yes – “Over 200 companies use this service.”
  • In headlines and "pull quotes", where the number is the focus, use numerals. See correct examples:
    • Yes – “1 in 3 shoppers ...”
    • Yes – “We’re #1”
  • Use numerals for all numbers in the following cases:
    • Units of measurement, including inches, acres, pounds, mph, and percentages
    • Street addresses Example: 9 Franklin St.
  • For large numbers, we use a comma.
    • Correct example: 200,000 - never "200k" or "200 thousand"
    • Exception: In large-format printing, we can use “200k” to add impact. Where this can be used: Posters, billboards, and small internet banners where space is tight.


See Addresses section in Content Formats.


In regular text, write out “percent”. However, the ”%” sign can be used in call-outs, graphics, and large-format content (Example: posters).


  • No – “Merchants have reported increased sales of up to 130%”
  • Yes – “Merchants have reported increased sales of up to 130 percent.”


Do not add a space between the symbol and the number. … Examples: $781, £490, €2,183

This is how we write about money:

No – “$2.00"
No – “$ 2"
Yes – “$2”
Yes – “$2.01”
No – “$1232"
No – “$1232.00"
Yes – “$1,232”
No – “$53,000,000"
No – “$53m"
No – “$53mil"
Yes – “$53 million”
No – “$1,200,000"
No – “$1.2m"
Yes – “$1.2 million”

Dates and Times


  • Do not abbreviate months of the year when they appear by themselves or with a year. … Correct example: “September 2015”.”

  • Months:

    • March, April, May, June, and July are never abbreviated in text.

    • The remaining months are only abbreviated when followed by a date (Jan. 27).

    • Abbreviations to use: Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

  • Never abbreviate …

    • Days of the week … Correct example: Use “Wednesday”, not “Weds.”.

    • Years … Correct example: Use “2017”, not “‘17”.

Correct Examples:

  • The conference begins …

    • In September

    • In September 2017

    • Sept. 8

    • Friday, Sept. 8

    • Friday, Sept. 8, 2017

  • Date-range format, in a sentence: The conference runs Sept. 8-12, 2017.


General Usage:

  • Formatting. Use numerals and “am” or “pm” without a space. Example: 10am.

  • Omit “:00”. Don’t use minutes for on-the-hour time.

  • Example: Exclude minutes for “7am”; include minutes for “10:30pm”.

  • Use “noon” and “midnight”. Do not use 12pm and 12am.

Time Ranges:

  • Use a hyphen between times to indicate a time period. Example: 7am-10:30pm.
  • Exclude the "am" and "pm" when times are both either in the morning or after noon.
    • No – “6am-9am"
    • Yes – “6-9am”
  • Simplify range language:
    • No – “Holiday store hours go from 8am-10pm."
    • Yes – “Holiday store hours are 8am-10pm.”

Time Zones:

  • Formatting. When a time is not adjusted by the system to reflect the current time zone, append the time zone after the time. … Correct examples: “7:30am CT”, “7-10:30am CT”

  • Do not indicate standard or daylight time. … Correct example: Central Time is written as “CT”, not “CST” or “CDT”.

  • Do not use military time. … Incorrect example: Using 19:40, instead of 7:40pm.
