Magento Commerce only

Migrate message queue configuration

Migrate from Magento 2.1 to 2.2

To upgrade the message queues from Magento 2.1, you must create the following files in the <module>/etc directory for each module that will use the message queue framework.

  • queue_consumer.xml - Defines the relationship between an existing queue and its consumer.
  • queue_topology.xml- Defines the message routing rules and declares queues and exchanges.
  • queue_publisher.xml - Defines the exchange where a topic is published.

The existing queue.xml file is deprecated.

For complete details about these files, see Configure message queues

The Magento 2.1 communication.xml file has not changed for Magento 2.2.

Create the queue_consumer.xml file

The first column in the following table lists the all the parameters in the queue_consumer.xml file. The second column lists where in the Magento 2.1 queue.xml file the equivalent parameters are located.

2.2 Attribute 2.1 queue.xml source
<consumer>/name <broker>/<queue>/consumer
<consumer>/queue <broker>/<queue>/name
<consumer>/handler <broker>/<queue>/handler
<consumer>/consumerInstance <broker>/<queue>/consumerInstance
<consumer>/connection <broker>/type
<consumer>/maxMessages <broker>/<queue>/maxMessages

Create the queue_topology.xml file

The first column in the following table lists the all the parameters in the queue_topology.xml file. The second column lists where in the Magento 2.1 queue.xml file the equivalent parameters are located.

2.2 Attribute 2.1 queue.xml source
<exchange>/name <broker>/exchange
<exchange>/type Not present in 2.1. Set this value to topic.
<exchange>/connection <broker>/type
<exchange>/durable Not present in 2.1. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<exchange>/autoDelete Not present in 2.1. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<exchange>/internal Not present in 2.1. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<exchange>/<binding>/id Not present in 2.1. It is recommended that you concatenate the 2.1 exchange name, topic name, and queue name to create a value for the id parameter.
<exchange>/<binding>/topic <broker>/topic
<exchange>/<binding>/destinationType Not present in 2.1. This value must be set to queue.
<exchange>/<binding>/destination <broker>/<queue>/name
<exchange>/<binding>/disabled Not present in 2.1. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<exchange>/<arguments> and <exchange>/<binding>/<arguments> Not present in 2.1. Omit this element.

Create the queue_publisher.xml file

The first column in the following table lists the all the parameters in the queue_publisher.xml file. The second column lists where in the Magento 2.1 queue.xml file the equivalent parameters are located.

2.2 Attribute 2.1 queue.xml source
<publisher>/topic <broker>/topic
<publisher>/disabled Not present in 2.1. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<publisher>/<connection>/name <broker>/type
<publisher>/<connection>/exchange <broker>exchange
<publisher>/<connection>/disabled Not present in 2.1. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.

Migrate from Magento 2.0 to 2.2

To upgrade from Magento 2.0, you must create the following files in the <module>/etc directory for each module that will use the message queue framework.

  • queue_consumer.xml - Defines the relationship between an existing queue and its consumer.
  • queue_topology.xml- Defines the message routing rules.
  • queue_publisher.xml - Defines the relationship between a topic and its publisher.

The existing queue.xml file is deprecated.

For complete details about these files, see Configure message queues

Create the queue_consumer.xml file

The first column in the following table lists the all the parameters in the queue_consumer.xml file. The second column lists where in the Magento 2.0 queue.xml file the equivalent parameters are located.

2.2 Attribute 2.0 queue.xml Source
<consumer>/name <consumer>/name
<consumer>/queue <consumer>/queue
<consumer>/handler Use the values from <consumer>/class and <consumer>/method in the format <Vendor>\Module\<ServiceName>::<methodName>.
<consumer>/consumerInstance <consumer>/executor
<consumer>/connection <consumer>/connection
<consumer>/maxMessages <consumer>/max_messages

Create the queue_topology.xml file

The first column in the following table lists the all the parameters in the queue_topology.xml file. The second column lists where in the Magento 2.0 queue.xml file the equivalent parameters are located.

2.2 Attribute 2.0 queue.xml Source
<exchange>/name <publisher>/exchange
<exchange>/type Not present in 2.0. Set this value to topic.
<exchange>/connection <publisher>/connection
<exchange>/durable Not present in 2.0. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<exchange>/autoDelete Not present in 2.0. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<exchange>/internal Not present in 2.0. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<exchange>/<binding>/id Not present in 2.0. It is recommended that you concatenate the 2.1 exchange name, topic name, and queue name to create a value for the id parameter.
<exchange>/<binding>/topic <bind>/topic
<exchange>/<binding>/destinationType Not present in 2.0. This value must be set to queue.
<exchange>/<binding>/destination <bind>/queue
<exchange>/<binding>/disabled Not present in 2.0. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<arguments> Not present in 2.0. Omit this element.

Create the queue_publisher.xml file

The first column in the following table lists the all the parameters in the queue_publisher.xml file. The second column lists where in the Magento 2.0 queue.xml file the equivalent parameters are located.

2.2 Attribute 2.0 queue.xml Source
<publisher>/topic <topic>/name
<publisher>/disabled Not present in 2.0. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.
<publisher>/<connection>/name <publisher>/connection
<publisher>/<connection>/exchange <publisher>/exchange
<publisher>/<connection>/disabled Not present in 2.0. Omit this parameter to accept the default value.

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