Step 2. Add a Database

Before you begin

Before you begin, make sure that:

  1. Your system meets the requirements discussed in Magento System Requirements.
  2. You completed all prerequisite tasks discussed in Prerequisites.
  3. You started your installation as discussed in Getting started.
  4. You completed all preceding steps in the Setup Wizard.

Step 2: Add a Database

  1. Enter the following information:
Item Description
Database Server Host If the web server and database server are located on the same host, enter localhost. If the database server is located on a different host, enter its fully qualified hostname or IP address. Using the IP address is preferable since using a hostname can cause additional time on each request for DNS lookup.
Database Server Username Enter the username of the Magento database instance owner.
Database Server Password Enter the Magento database user's password, if any. Leave this field blank if you did not configure a password.
Database Name Enter the Magento database instance name.
Table prefix

Use only if you're installing the Magento database tables in a database instance that has Magento tables in it already.

In that case, use a prefix to identify the Magento tables for this installation. Some customers have more than one Magento instance running on a server with all tables in the same database.

The prefix can be a maximum of five characters in length. It must begin with a letter and can include only letters, numbers, and underscore characters.

This option enables those customers to share the database server with more than one Magento installation.

  1. Click Next.

Related topics

Step 3. Web configuration
