Best practices and benchmarking


This section provides our best information about how to speed up and simplify your migration, and provides guidance about how much time you can expect migration to require.

Best practices and recommendations

  • Use a copy of the database from Magento 1 instance when performing migration testing. Do not involve the main instance of your Magento 1 store database so that your production environment is not affected.

  • Remove outdated and redundant data from your Magento 1 database before migration.

Such data may include logs, order quotes, recently viewed or compared products, visitors, event-specific categories, promotional rules, etc.

  • Follow our General Rules for Successful Migration to avoid issues or conflicts.

  • To boost performance, you may enable the direct_document_copy option in your config.xml:


In this case, Magento 1 and Magento 2 databases must be located in the same MySQL instance, and the database account must have access to each database.

Benchmarking estimates

We tested migration on the following system:

  • Environment: Virtual Box VM, CentOS 6, 2.5Gb RAM, CPU 1 core 2.6GHz

  • Database had 177k products, 355k orders, 214k customers

Performance results

  • Settings migration time: ~10 mins

  • Data migration time: ~9 hrs (all data except URL Rewrites, ~85% of total data)

  • Site downtime estimate: a few minutes to reindex and change DNS settings. Additional time required to “warm up” the page cache
