Magento Commerce 2.2.10 Release Notes

Patch code and release notes published on October 8, 2019.

Magento Commerce 2.2.10 offers significant platform upgrades, substantial security changes, and PSD2-compliant core payment methods. This release includes over 147 functional fixes and enhancements to the core product and 75 security enhancements. It includes 56 community-fixed GitHub issues.

Magento Commerce customers can access 2.3.x and 2.2.x patches two weeks before the General Availability (GA) date. Pre-release packages are available through Composer only. You cannot access pre-releases on the Magento Portal or GitHub until GA. If you cannot find these packages in Composer, contact Magento Support.


Look for the following highlights in this release:

Platform upgrades

The following upgrades to core platform components boost platform security and support PCI compliance:

  • Magento 2.2.10 now supports PHP 7.2.x (tested with 7.2.21).

  • Magento 2.2.10 does not support PHP 7.0.x.

Substantial security enhancements

This release includes the following security enhancements:

  • PSD2 compliance for core payment methods
  • Fixes for 75 critical security issues
  • Significant platform-security enhancements that boost XSS (cross-site scripting) protection against future exploits. This effort is the culmination of several months of concentrated effort on Magento’s part to reduce our backlog of security enhancements.

Core payment methods integrations are now compliant with PSD2 regulations

The European Union recently revised the Payment Services Directive (PSD) regulation with an updated version–PSD2. This revised regulation will go into effect on September 14, 2019 or shortly thereafter, and will significantly affect most payment processing involving credit cards or bank transfers.  See the Magento Forum DevBlog post 3D Secure 2.0 changes for more information on Magento Payment Provider Recommendations and a wealth of links to PSD2 regulation discussions.

This release contains the following major PSD-related changes:

  • The Braintree payment method now complies with PSD2 regulations. Its core integration API has been upgraded to the latest JavaScript SDK v3 API, which is a requirement for supporting native Braintree 3D Secure 2.0 adoption. Braintree transactions are now also verified by using the native Braintree 3D Secure 2.0 service.

  • now provides the ability, through the cardholderAuthentication request field, to make 3D Secure verification through third-party services such as CardinalCommerce. Starting with this release, accept.js integration will support 3DS 2.0 through CardinalCommerce.

  • The Cybersource and eWay payment modules have been deprecated in this release to comply with PSD2 SCA regulation, which took effect on September 14, 2019, or shortly thereafter. Use the official Marketplace extensions for these features instead.

Security enhancements and fixes to core code

  • 70 security enhancements that help close cross-site scripting (XSS) and remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities as well as other security issues. No confirmed attacks related to these issues have occurred to date. However, certain vulnerabilities can potentially be exploited to access customer information or take over administrator sessions. Most of these issues require that an attacker first obtains access to the Admin. As a result, we remind you to take all necessary steps to protect your Admin, including but not limited to these efforts: IP whitelisting, two-factor authentication, use of a VPN, the use of a unique location rather than /admin, and good password hygiene. See Magento Security Center for a comprehensive discussion of these issues. All known exploitable security issues fixed in this release (2.2.10) have been ported to 2.3.3,, and, as appropriate.

Infrastructure improvements

This release contains 140 enhancements to core quality, which improve the quality of the Framework and these modules: Catalog, Sales, Checkout/One Page Checkout, UrlRewrite, Customer/Customers, and UI.

Functional fixes

In addition to security enhancements, this release contains the following functional fixes.

Installation, setup, and deployment

  • PHP unit tests no longer fail by default when Magento is installed from Composer.
  • Magento font icons now load as expected when deployment optimization is implemented.
  • The short form versions of the —lock-env and —lock-config bin/magento config:set options now work as expected. Fix submitted by Shikha Mishra in pull request 22836. GitHub-22395
  • Parallel execution of static content deployment has been improved to prevent errors and make it more stable. Fix submitted by David Alger in pull request 22610. GitHub-21852, GitHub-22563
  • Magento now displays an exception message when an error occurs during static content deployment. Previously, if an error occurred, Magento showed the stack trace only. Fix submitted by Ihor Sviziev in pull request 23114. GitHub-22882
  • You can now use JSON to set a configuration value for a configuration option through the command line. Fix submitted by Shikha Mishra in pull request 23277. GitHub-22396


  • An administrator with permission to a website now has access to the theme configuration for the website. Previously, administrators with website permission could update only the theme for the store view that is associated with a website, not the theme for the website itself.
  • An administrator with restricted privileges can now successfully create a catalog price rule. Previously, a restricted administrator could create a catalog price rule, but when they saved it, Magento displayed an error and did not generate a scheduled update to set the new price rule to inactive.
  • We have improved the Admin login performance for users with limited permissions. Previously, the Admin login process for users with restricted access was significantly slower than it was for users with full administrative access.
  • Magento now applies the correct role scope for administrators in multi-site deployments. (Post data is now saved in the session and re-rendered for a user only if the validation fails.) Previously, when you had two administrative roles with different website scopes, and you viewed one role before saving it and opening the second role, the website scope attributed to the second role was incorrectly taken from the first role.


  • The Magento Admin now loads without issue after you change the store domain or set cookies to a different domain. Previously, the page did not redirect as expected.
  • The Admin no longer displays incorrect currency codes when the default base currency differs from the default website currency.
  • Ajax requests are now cached as expected when the page they are associated with is cached. Previously, Ajax requests were still performed (not cached) even when a page was cached.


  • The behavior of the Catalog page’s Requisition list menu has been corrected.
  • Non-administrative users who have been granted access privileges to catalogs and shared catalogs now also have access to the menu that permits them to manage these catalogs. Previously, these non-administrative users had permission to access the shared catalog, but not the menu that would permit them to manage the shared catalog.
  • A product that belongs to a category where the permissions do not allow adding it to cart can now be added to the cart from a different category. Previously, you could not add a product to the cart if one of the categories to which it belongs does not permit adding it the cart.
  • Magento now correctly calculates the total product quantity when you enter multiple SKU values in Quick Order.
  • Magento now correctly updates SKU quantities when you use Quick Order and manually enter a SKU in the Enter Multiple SKUs field when using Internet Explorer 11.x.
  • The Magento_SharedCatalog::manage role is now defined in the acl.xml file.
  • Magento now displays the category tree as expected when you choose Set Pricing and Structure on a new shared catalog.
  • You can now create a new company account from the storefront in the same amount of time that it takes to create an account from the Admin. Previously, it took much longer to create a new company account on the storefront.
  • Magento now correctly applies category permissions depending upon the scope values you set. Previously, when you enabled shared catalogs for only one website in a multi-site deployment, Magento applied catalog permissions globally instead of to the designated website only.
  • Magento now recalculates cart subtotals as expected when one of the ordered products that belongs to a shared catalog is disabled from the Admin. Previously, when you reloaded the cart after one of its products had been disabled, Magento reloaded the cart page with this exception: Exception #0 (Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException): The product that was requested doesn't exist. Verify the product and try again.
  • Guests can now access available product options for a configurable product when one of its simple product options is out-of-stock but the configurable product is listed as in-stock in the shared catalog. Previously, under these circumstances, the options drop-down menu for the configurable product was empty, which prevented guests from ordering available options.
  • Export files now include all columns (including those not visible in the Company list) and their data. Previously, the State/Province columns of the exported CSV file were empty.
  • Request a Quote functionality now works as expected on Internet Explorer 11.x.
  • File links for customizable options on the Requisition list page now work as expected.

Bundle products

  • The Add to Cart button is no longer visible to users who do not have Add to Cart category permissions. Previously, guest users could add items to the cart without being granted Add to Cart permission.
  • Magento now issues a single request to the server when you change the shipping address for an order to a non-default address. Previously, Magento issued multiple requests to the server when you changed the shipping address, which negatively affected performance.


  • Enabling a product now clears the full-page cache for PDP if the product is not assigned to a category.

Cart and checkout

  • Magento now displays an informative message when an error is thrown after the user Internet connection has been reset after placing an order. GitHub-23288
  • The checkout order summary now displays the correct number of ordered items.
  • Magento no longer empties your shopping cart after you have reset your password. Previously, if you added items to your shopping cart using a guest account, then logged in and reset your password, Magento emptied your cart. GitHub-14530
  • Magento now submits an order only once when an order is submitted using Enter. Previously, Magento submitted several payment-information requests, and several orders with the same quote ID were placed.
  • The Review & Payment section of the One Page Checkout no longer displays custom customer attribute code when a guest checks out.
  • You can now add product quantities that require four digits to the shopping cart. Previously, Magento could not add four-digit product quantities to the cart.
  • The minicart loader is now visible when you add a product to the minicart. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23536. GitHub-23377
  • You can now add any decimal quantity of a product to your shopping cart (even a quantity less than the quantity set in the Minimum Qty setting) when the Qty Uses Decimals setting is enabled. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23574. GitHub-23038
  • Magento now applies the sort preferences that you set in website scope configuration for a particular website to the layout of the checkout page. Previously, sort order for elements of this page was derived from the default configuration, not website-specific values. Fix submitted by Abrar Pathan in pull request 23058. GitHub-22380
  • Magento no longer throws a custom address attribute multi-line error when a customer tries to place an order.
  • Magento no longer indicates that your session has expired when you add a product to your shopping cart in deployments where the Scalable Checkout module is enabled.
  • Customers can now successfully check out when the AdBlock extension and Google Analytics are enabled.
  • The Admin > Catalog > Categories page now works as expected. Previously, Magento threw a fatal error when you tried to navigate to this page due to issues with the translation function.
  • You can now add any decimal quantity of a product to your shopping cart (even a quantity less than the quantity set in the Minimum Qty setting) when the Qty Uses Decimals setting is enabled. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23574. GitHub-23038


  • Magento now renames images with the same name in the pub/media/catalog/category directory. Previously, images with the same name that belonged to different categories were not uploaded properly. GitHub-23376
  • You can now save multi-select and select attribute options when swatches modules are disabled. GitHub-23326
  • You can now add an out-of-stock item to a product comparison. Previously, Magento displayed a success message, but did not add the item to the comparison. GitHub-21518
  • Product availability is no longer tied to events associated with the categories to which they belong. Instead, Magento now uses the current category event for the page on which the product is displayed. Previously, products that were tied to categories with no events could be purchased, and products that were tied to expired events could not be purchased.
  • Magento now maintains correct pagination when a Catalog list has multiple pages of products. Previously, users were redirected to the first page (instead of the correct page) after navigating to a product from the list and saving it.
  • Magento no longer removes the query string from URLs when the query string is preceded by a slash. Previously, when a customer opened a URL that contained a trailing slash and query string (for example,, Magento redirected the user to a URL that omitted the slash (
  • Custom options prices that are assigned to a website scope no longer rewrite prices on all scopes.
  • The Admin Product Edit page and Customers page now load without JavaScript errors. GitHub-5967
  • Magento now displays the correct currency in the Admin Catalog > Products list in deployments where websites are assigned different currencies. Previously, the products on the Admin Category page displayed the base currency even when Product Price Scope was set to Per Website and the website was assigned a different currency.
  • Videos in product descriptions now appear as they do in the Admin WYSIWYG editor. Previously, videos in the storefront product descriptions had the incorrect height.
  • We’ve refined how Magento validates partial permissions. Design edit permissions for categories, products, and CMS pages are now validated for each endpoint (web API and other) outside of the related model-layer classes. The web API now returns an error when design-related fields are being overridden. Previously, this behavior was ignored.
  • The catalog product flat data table for a store view is now populated with data from the specified store view as expected. Previously, this table was populated with data from the default store view. Fix submitted by Mahesh Singh in pull request 22581. GitHub-21747
  • Magento now displays a validation alert message when you click Add Attribute, and then click Add selected without first selecting an attribute. Previously, when you clicked Add selected, Magento selected all possible attributes. Fix submitted by Mahesh Singh in pull request 22991. GitHub-22639
  • You can now update product content descriptions on the store-view level when WYSIWYG is disabled.

Catalog rule

  • The CatalogRule module now handles discrepancies between the Magento time zone offset and the system time zone offset (which is in UTC). Previously, when the Magento time zone offset was greater than the system time zone offset, the active ranges set for special prices were inaccurate. This is a consequence of how catalog price rules special prices are stored and updated. (Catalog price rules special prices are stored in the catalogrule_product_price table. This table’s daily update is triggered by the catalogrule_apply_all cron job, which is scheduled at 01:00 every day. Cron schedule times are scheduled in Magento time zone.)
  • Coupon expiration dates and times now match the end_date value set in the staging update. Previously, coupon expiration dates could differ from the expiration date set by the sales rule.

Clean up and minor refactoring

  • Corrected poor spacing in the Gift message section of the My Account page. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23657. GitHub-22950
  • Corrected misalignment of the Compare Products and My Wish List counters in the sidebar. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23573. GitHub-22676
  • Corrected capitalization of review text. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23537.
  • Corrected misalignment of the Compare Products and My Wish List counters in the sidebar. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23573. GitHub-22676
  • Magento now displays the cursor to the right of the search keyword box as expected after multiple clicks on the search field in mobile view. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23352. GitHub-22736
  • White space between words now appears as expected in non-English websites. Fix submitted by Kajal Solanki in pull request 23164. GitHub-23080
  • The checkbox on the Add New Tax Rule form has been redesigned to match the Admin checkbox. Fix submitted by Mahesh Singh in pull request 22908. GitHub-22640
  • Corrected alignment of the search suggestion panel with the Advance reporting button. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23151. GitHub-22506
  • The arrow toggle page element now works as expected throughout the Admin. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23150. GitHub-22636

Configurable products

  • The status (in stock or out of stock) of a configurable product in the Admin now matches the status displayed on the storefront.
  • You can now use the POST V1/configurable-products/:sku/child call to assign positions to configurable product attributes as expected. Previously, when you use REST to assign positions to configurable product attributes, the position value was overwritten after you linked simple products to the configurable product.


  • The Apply button now functions as expected when you create a new order and apply a coupon from the Admin. Previously, clicking Apply removed the coupon instead of applying it. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23332. GitHub-23238


  • Cron jobs are no longer duplicated. Previously, after a cron job was run, Magento cleared the cache and processed the job again. Fix submitted by Ihor Sviziev in pull request 23439. GitHub-21380
  • Consumers run from cron no longer create deadlocks in the database.


  • An administrator with full permission for all website scopes can now see any country listed in the Countries column or filter in the Customers list. Previously, if one of the website scopes did not allow a country, an administrator with full permission could not see it.
  • You can now create and successfully save a customer attribute when the Use in Filter Options and Use in Search Options settings are set to no. Previously, Magento did not display these attributes, and they could not be edited.
  • Magento no longer displays editable text fields for customer phone numbers and zip codes if customers have not saved an address. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23614. GitHub-23467
  • The account status list now updates as expected to correctly indicate the account lock status after cron is run. Previously, this list displayed status as unlocked only.
  • You can now create an account as a guest when the address contains custom attributes. Previously, Magento threw a fatal error when you tried to create an account under these circumstances. GitHub-22952

Customer custom attributes

  • You can now edit a customer address from the Admin (Admin > Customer > Address > Edit Address) when the customer address attribute is of type file or image. Previously, Magento did not display the Edit Address form when you clicked on Edit Address.
  • Custom customer address attribute values are populated as expected when an administrator changes a customer address during order creation from the Admin. Previously, the custom attribute drop-down was empty.

Customer segment

  • You can now create an order from the Admin when you have a customer segment for customers with 0 or more orders. Previously, if you had a customer segment for customers with 0 or more orders, an SQL error occurred when you tried to create an order in the Admin.
  • You can now create an order from the Admin with a customer segment based on zero or more orders when the table prefix is specified. Previously, Magento threw an error when you tried to create an order from the Admin under these conditions.
  • You can now create a customer segment that exceeds 1,500,000 customers. Previously, Magento threw a 500 error when you tried to create a customer segment that large.

Database media storage

  • Magento now copies any image needed for the Admin Product Edit page from the database to local storage as needed. Previously, if the image was not in local storage, Magento used a placeholder image. Fix submitted by gwharton in pull request 21606. GitHub-21604
  • Transactional email now copies the configured email logo image from the database when the logo file does not exist in the local pub/media directory. Previously, emails used the default LUMA logo if it did not exist in the local directory. Fix submitted by gwharton in pull request 21673. GitHub-21671


  • The country drop-down list no longer includes an extraneous zero (0) when the allowed countries in the list differ from countries identified as top destinations.


  • New downloadable products now appear in the downloadable products section after a customer checks out as a guest and then creates an account.


  • Starting and ending spaces are now trimmed from phone numbers before JavaScript validation. Previously, Magento did not trim these spaces, and displayed this error: *Phone Number* contains non-numeric characters.


  • The Template Preview tab now loads with the default content that was assigned during the creation of a New Shipment email template as expected. Previously, the Template Preview Tab did not load the default content. Fix submitted by Mahesh Singh in pull request 22906. GitHub-22788
  • Email created using a CSS-heavy template is now sent successfully. Previously, these emails were rejected by the server with this message: Message too big. Fix submitted by gwharton in pull request 23650. GitHub-23643


  • The equalArrays function in lib/web/mage/utils/compare.js file has been refactored to remove quadratic complexity. Previously, this feature significantly slowed Admin operations that were performed on a large number of products (for example, adding a product to category by SKU).
  • The error message that Magento displays when the user creates an attribute that starts with the reserved word container has been improved. For example, when a user created product attributes named container_attributename and attributename, Magento threw this error: Exception in Magento/Framework/View/Element/UiComponentFactory.php rather than stating which user behavior was causing the system problem.
  • A watermark with a white or transparent background is no longer converted to black when opacity is reduced below 100%.
  • You can now successfully search for an order by email in the Sales > Orders list.

JavaScript framework

  • The cursor on the email field of the login page now behaves as expected when running Magento on Safari. Previously, the cursor repeatedly moved to the end of the email address field when you tried to edit this field.


  • Magento now maintains custom prices for products in both the catalog and shopping cart after a quote is recalculated. Previously, the product price reverted to the default price after you recalculated the quote.
  • Search input is no longer missing the aria-expanded required attribute. Previously, the W3C HTML validator threw errors for the #search element. Fix submitted by Amol Chaudhari in pull request 23331. GitHub-18337
  • The sendfriend feature now verifies product visibility as expected. Previously, this feature verified product status only. Fix submitted by Mateusz Wira in pull request 23121. GitHub-23053
  • The getListByCustomerId function in PaymentTokenManagementInterface now returns an array. Fix submitted by Serhiy Zhovnir in pull request 22915. GitHub-22899
  • Tier prices can now be float values. Previously, Magento converted float percentage values to int before saving it. Fix submitted by Maksym Novik in pull request 22936. GitHub-18651
  • We have improved the performance of the grouped product detail pages and category pages that contain a large number of grouped products.
  • You can now successfully navigate to the Web Setup Wizard when session.save_handler=db is set in app/env.php. Previously, when you tried to navigate to the Web Setup Wizard, Magento threw a fatal error.
  • Magento now sends sales-related email to the correct customer when sales_emails cron has an error.

Gift card account

  • Magento no longer creates a new gift card after issuing an online refund for another card. Previously, Magento created a new gift card account and sent the customer the previous gift card code and a new code.
  • The URL rewrites category tree now includes all relevant categories. Previously, when you selected For Category after selecting Create URL Rewrite from (Marketing > URL Rewrites), Magento did not include most categories in the resulting view.
  • All strings on storefront gift card messages can now be translated.
  • Magento no longer closes an order that is paid for with the partial redemption of a gift card. Previously, if an order is paid partially using gift card, and a partial refund is issued for that order, the order becomes closed.

Gift registry

  • Magento no longer displays a console error during checkout when the cart contains a product from the gift registry. Previously, due to a missing function, Magento displayed this error: checkout-data-resolver.js:248 Uncaught TypeError: addrs.isDefaultBilling is not a function.

Google Analytics

  • The Google Tag Manager snippet is now correctly placed in the HTML head section. Previously, this snippet was incorrectly positioned lower in the head section, which generated HTML validation errors.

Google Tag Manager

  • getLoadedProductCollection() has been refactored to support PHP 7.2.

Grouped products

  • Magento no longer removes the child products of a grouped product after the group product’s schedule update has expired.
  • We have improved the performance of the grouped product detail pages and category pages that contain a large number of grouped products.


  • Only modified or updated product records are flushed from the catalog cache after importing, re-indexing, and running bin/magento cron:run --group index. Previously, all products in the catalog were flushed.
  • You can now update products through import of a CSV file when the updated products have product_id values that range widely (for example, a value 1 to a value 6000). Previously, when you initiated the import of the CSV file (Admin > System > Import > Product > Add/Update), Magento threw this error: General error: 1114 The table 'catalog_product_index_price_temp' is full occurs. Fix submitted by Mateusz Wegrzycki in pull request 22902. GitHub-22028
  • Custom import adapters now validate CSV files as expected if column and data are available. Previously, the CSV file was not validated, and Magento threw the following error: Notice: Undefined index: sku in /var/www/html/hamtc/vendor/magento/module-import-export/Model/Import/Entity/AbstractEntity.php on line 411. Fix submitted by Amol Chaudhari in pull request 22180. GitHub-19761


  • We improved the performance of product flat data re-indexing. GitHub-23462


  • Magento 2.2.10 now supports PHP 7.2.x (tested with 7.2.21).

  • Magento 2.2.10 does not support PHP 7.0.x.

  • The QuoteRepository get methods now return an object of instance Vendor\Module\Model\Quote. Fix submitted by Bartłomiej Szubert in pull request 22549. GitHub-12802
  • Magento no longer caches absolute file paths in the validator factory (Magento\Framework\Validator\Factory::_initializeConfigList). Previously, caching absolute file paths resulted in problems during transactions when a customer, a customer_address, or quote for a registered customer was saved. Fix submitted by David Führ in pull request 22805. GitHub-21842
  • The description of the setStoreId function has been amended to more clearly explain how the function helps load CMS pages. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23149. GitHub-22767

Media Storage

  • Media directives now work as expected when an administrator uses a custom domain (admin/url/custom) instead the default domain. Previously, the WYSIWYG image-selector returned malformed media directives, which resulted in broken links to images. GitHub-16427


  • Magento now sends only a subscribe email when you create an account from an email invitation. Previously, you received two emails – one that subscribed you to the newsletter, and another that unsubscribed you.


  • Magento now displays an informative error message when you try to update the product quantity and shipping address for an order when the product quantity field is empty. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23612. GitHub-23354
  • Custom customer address attributes are populated with the values that have been assigned for the selected address when the Same As Billing Address setting is disabled. Previously, when a merchant tried to change an address while creating an order from the Admin, the drop-down menu of available addresses was not populated.
  • You can now successfully view order information by selecting Sales > Orders > View Order. Previously, an issue with the truncateString method resulted in Magento throwing an error when you tried to view order information. Fix submitted by emilie-blackbird in pull request 20849. GitHub-16958

Page Cache

  • Full page cache works as expected for non-default store views.

Payment methods

  • The Braintree payment method now complies with PSD2 regulations. Its core integration API has been upgraded to the latest JavaScript SDK v3 API, which is a requirement for supporting native Braintree 3D Secure 2.0 adoption. Braintree transactions are now also verified by using the native Braintree 3D Secure 2.0 service.

  • now provides the ability, through the cardholderAuthentication request field, to make 3D Secure verification through third-party services such as CardinalCommerce. Starting with this release, accept.js integration will support 3DS 2.0 through CardinalCommerce.

  • The Cybersource and eWay payment modules have been deprecated in this release to comply with PSD2 SCA regulation, which takes effect on September 14, 2019, or shortly thereafter. Use the official Marketplace extensions for these features instead.

Other payment issues

  • The Transactions tab now displays the correct status for a capture transaction for an order that was placed with the accept.js payment method.
  • Magento now displays a more informative error message (CVV verification failed) when you enter an invalid CVV code while using the Braintree payment method. Previously, Magento displayed a generic error message.
  • You can now enter information into the Credit Card Number and Expiration Date fields on the Checkout page when the CVV Verification setting is disabled. Previously, you were not able to click on these fields to enter information.
  • Magento no longer processes payment for an order that has an empty email field in the quote. Previously, Braintree processed the payment, but displayed an error message on the storefront and did not create the order.
  • Customers can now successfully place an order when the order is partially paid for by gift card or when a discount is applied to the order. Previously, customers could not place an order, and Magento displayed this error: error: Field format error: 10413-The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.
  • When you create orders using Braintree, Magento now successfully creates the orders that contain both simple and virtual products with the Checkout with Multiple Addresses option enabled. Previously, Magento listed an order created with these features as an empty order with a grand total of zero on the Orders list.
  • The Admin sales list now displays the payment method for each order. GitHub-22231
  • You can now cancel orders placed with PayPal Express even after authorization has expired.
  • Customers can now place the order for virtual products with a zero subtotal after entering address information. Previously, customers could not place an order for virtual products with a zero subtotal if they modified their address, and Magento displayed this message: The requested Payment Method is not available.
  • Magento no longer places an order if a JavaScript error occurs when a customer clicks Place order using Braintree as the payment method.


  • You can now save a special price that exceeds three characters in Japanese Yen. Previously, you could not apply denominations that exceeded three characters with a comma separator when representing Yen.


  • The start and finish date in reports now correspond to the entered values when you create a report from the Admin. Previously, the start and finish dates in the displayed report was one day earlier than you entered.
  • Selecting Show by year when filtering Reports > Products > Ordered now results in a list of products sold per year that is grouped by product quantity in descending order. Previously, Magento displayed a list of products sold per year that contained multiple entries for a single product on a per order basis. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23252. GitHub-22087


  • Magento no longer sends reward point balance notification email to clients whose accounts have the Subscribe for Balance Updates setting disabled.
  • Administrators with restricted privileges to reviews can now edit review status from the pending reviews list.


  • Online refunds now work as expected when the Refund Reward Points Automatically configuration setting is enabled. Previously, the Refund button was disabled under these conditions.


  • Clicking Show Packages on a Returns page (My Account > My Returns > Return) now opens a new page about the selected package. Previously, clicking on this link resulted in a 404 error page.
  • Magento now displays only enabled shipping methods on the Return details page. Previously, shipping methods that were disabled for RMA were displayed in the Carrier dropdown menu on the Return details page.
  • Merchants can now create shipping labels for return merchandise authorizations. Previously, when a merchant tried to create a shipping label, Magento displayed this error: No authorized items or allowed shipping methods.
  • Magento now auto-populates all expected fields when an RMA is created via the REST API.


  • The date format used in tables throughout the product interface is now based on the Admin-defined locale.
  • The Orders Total now reflects relevant product discounts when you re-order a product. Previously, discounts were not included when you re-ordered.
  • You can now edit an order that contains a custom address attribute on its order form. Previously, Magento threw this error if you tried to edit an order with a custom address attribute: We can't update the order address right now.
  • Custom order statuses no longer override default statuses in drop-down menus.
  • Magento now includes the correct price for a discounted product when the Customer Group is not set to the default group. Previously, when you re-ordered a discounted product, the correct price was not displayed in the Items Ordered field.
  • Magento no longer adds a product that is selected but not explicitly added to the cart to an order when you create an order from the Admin.
  • The Admin now returns exact matches for keyword searches.

Sales rule

  • You can now update the conditions of an existing Scheduled update for a Cart Price Rule. Previously, when you tried to change the SKU condition for an update, Magento did not save or apply your changes.
  • Magento now includes the correct price for a discounted product when the Customer Group is not set to the default group. Previously, when you re-ordered a discounted product, the correct price was not displayed in the Items Ordered field.
  • Search results now reflect the search weight you assign to product attributes in attribute configuration.
  • The Admin payment method validation now uses the updated billing address country for orders placed in the Admin. Previously, order creation failed when the Payment from Applicable Countries setting was set to Specific Countries and a non-US country was selected from the Payment from Specific Countries list.
  • You can now use Elasticsearch to run a query that includes the < character. Previously, when you used this symbol in a query, Magento threw this error: {"0":"SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 syntax error, unexpected $end, query was: SELECT.
  • You can now limit the number of search suggestions that the autocomplete feature provides by setting the Autocomplete Limit field.


  • You can now use more than 35 characters in the shipper’s address field when booking a UPS shipment or generating a UPS shipment label. Previously, if this address exceeded 35 characters, Magento threw an error. Fix submitted by Ankur Raiyani in pull request 23603. GitHub-23522
  • The Order Tracking page now displays the Contact us link as expected when this feature is enabled and the designated shipping carrier is not available on the Order page. Fix submitted by Eduard Chitoraga in pull request 23019. GitHub-22822
  • Magento no longer tries to validate UPS required fields (UPS Access License Number, User ID, and Password fields) when UPS shipping is not active. Fix submitted by Serhiy Zhovnir in pull request 22873. GitHub-22786


  • Coupon expiration dates now match the end date of the staging update the coupons are assigned to.
  • Magento now displays the correct product Short Description for the selected update in deployments where there are multiple schedule updates.


  • Setting the Update Product Preview Image to no now works as expected. Previously, when you clicked on a size or image that represented another variation for a configurable product, Magento displayed the image for one of the simple products associated with the configurable product. Fix submitted by Ravi Chandra in pull request 22510. GitHub-16446


  • Magento now returns more informative error messages when a misconfigured target rule caused an error.
  • Deleting products no longer triggers exception errors. Previously, the target rule that was used to identify the product triggered an exception.


  • The payment method area of the shipment and credit memo emails that are sent to customers now have correctly translated strings. Fix submitted by Ihor Sviziev in pull request 23438. GitHub-23333


  • Pre-loading of fonts has been moved from the Blank theme to the Luma theme.
  • Magento now saves order views with the date ranges you enter while creating the filter (Sales > Orders). Previously, when you opened a saved filtered order view, Magento indicated that the dates you entered were invalid.
  • The calendar date picker now updates values as expected when the linked input value is changed.
  • The form reset feature now clears the date field in Admin forms as expected. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23658. GitHub-22940
  • The always action that precedes the opening of the alert and confirm widgets is now called once. Previously, the always triggering text was logged twice after you clicked the OK button. Fix submitted by Eduard Chitoraga in pull request 23579. GitHub-23233
  • The behavior of the mobile menu JavaScript now triggers at the same breakpoint as the mobile menu styles. Fix submitted by bobemoe in pull request 23547. GitHub-8298
  • The Refund button on the credit memo page now remains active after a merchant enters a value in the Refund Totals section. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23566. GitHub-23285
  • Magento now displays the cursor to the right of the search keyword box as expected after multiple clicks on the search field in mobile view. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23352. GitHub-22736
  • The Refund button on the credit memo page now remains active after a merchant enters a value in the Refund Totals section. Fix submitted by Prakash Prajapati in pull request 23566. GitHub-23285
  • The height setting in .admin__control-textarea component is no longer hard-coded. Previously, this hard-coded value prevented you from changing the height of this text field through the UI. Fix submitted by Serhiy Zhovnir in pull request 22783. GitHub-22771
  • Scrolling now behaves as expected on the create order page. Fix submitted by Denis Kopylov in pull request 23086. GitHub-23034
  • The design of the Review & Payments Apply Discount Coupon box of the checkout page has been improved. Fix submitted by Ravi Chandra in pull request 23002. GitHub-3795,GitHub-21214
  • Form element validation is now triggered as expected when form validation rules change. Previously, when you changed form validation rules for a form element during runtime, the new validation rules were not applied. Fix submitted by Amol Chaudhari in pull request 22801. GitHub-21473

URL rewrite

  • You can now export newsletter subscribers from the Admin. Previously, Magento displayed this error when you selected a subscriber name and clicked Export: error: URI too long
  • Magento no longer removes the query string from URLs when the query string is preceded by a slash. Previously, when a customer opened a URL that contained a trailing slash and query string (for example,, Magento redirected the user to a URL that omitted the slash (
  • Products are successfully updated through import of an CSV file in Add/Update mode. Previously, the import process failed, and Magento displayed this error: The value specified in the URL Key field would generate a URL that already exists.
  • Redundant URL rewrite operations that were triggered by category operations have been eliminated, and page load performance has been improved. Previously, updating a category to add or delete products triggered URL rewrite regeneration for all products with changed positions.
  • During product URL rewrite generation, anchor categories are now loaded with the specified store ID as expected. Previously, Magento read the default URL key from the database.

Visual Merchandiser

  • You can now add tier price conditions to smart categories.
  • The Visual Merchandiser product list now renders properly when product names exceed 50 characters.
  • Magento no longer displays products in the Product in category tab in both grid and tile mode simultaneously.

Web API framework

  • Magento now renders shipment details for an order without a fatal error when you use POST V1/shipment to create a shipment. Fix submitted by Milind Singh in pull request 23119. GitHub-22686
  • You can now use POST V1/customers to update a customer that has no associated store_id without unintentionally changing other information. Previously, Magento changed the store_id to the default store_id if this field was left empty in the PUT request. Fix submitted by Mateusz Wira in pull request 22895. GitHub-22869

Website restriction

  • Administrators with appropriate permissions can now create a new customer account on the Admin when the Website Restriction setting is enabled. Previously, Magento threw this exception: Can not register new customer due to restrictions are enabled.

Community contributions

This release includes substantial community contributions: over 100 GitHub issues resolved and over 350 pull requests merged. We are grateful to the wider Magento community for this effort and would like to acknowledge their contributions to this release.

Individual contributor contributions

The following table identifies contributions from our community members. This table lists the external pull requests, the GitHub issue number associated with it (if available), and the community member who contributed the pull request.

Contributing community member Related GitHub Issues Pull Requests
msieprawski 12802 22549
mam08ixo 21473 22801
Michael Thessel 22395 22836
david-fuehr 21842 22805
Digital Startup UK 22788 22906
Surabhi-Cedcoss 22640 22908
gwharton 21672 21676, 21673
Hoszi 18651 22936
jaimin-ktpl 19761 22180
serhiyzhovnir 22786 22873
talset 21852 22610
hostep 22563 22610
magesanjay 22639 22991
abrarpathan19 21214 23009
samtay 3795 23002
mtwegrzycki 22028 22902
eduard13 22822 23019
bengower 21747 22581
eduan 22899 22915
808brinks 22869 22895
daniel-ifrim 22380 23058
Den4ik 23034 23086
Patelcc 22771 22783
ihor-sviziev 22882 23114
milindsingh 22686 23119
GrishmaNayee 22506 23151
alexeya-ven 23080 23164
gwharton 21604 21606
TomashKhamlai 23053 23121
nicholasscottfish 22087 23252
Michael Thessel 22396 23277
Sharkozp 22767 23149
cedarvinda 22636 23150
BezV8 18337 23331
renard123 23238 23332
bhavik43 22736 23352
gwharton 21671 21673
udovicic 21380 23439
iamckindia 23377 23536
gwharton 22103 23537
msawyers 23199 23537
nishantjariwala 23285 23566
cedarvinda 22676 23573
amanuni 23038 23574
CNanninga 8298 23547
eduard13 23233 23579
bedroomathletics 16958 20849
alexeya-ven 23333 23438
vrajesh-patel1993 23467 23614
ankurvr 23522 23603
bhavik43 23354 23612
bhavik43 22950 23657
renard123 22940 23658
LouNik1984 16446 22510
ffauvel 23643 23650
hostep 11615 14344

Partner contributions

The following table highlights contributions made by Partners. This table lists the Partner who contributed the pull request, the external pull request, and the GitHub issue number associated with it (if available).

Partner Pull Requests Related GitHub Issues
Krish TechnoLabs magento/magento2#22557, magento/magento2#22180, magento/magento2#23009, magento/magento2#23002, magento/magento2#23151, magento/magento2#23164, magento/magento2#23148, magento/magento2#22430, magento/magento2#23058, magento/magento2#23163, magento/magento2#23167, magento/magento2#23195, magento/magento2#23252, magento/magento2#23149, magento/magento2#23150, magento/magento2#23152, magento/magento2#23332, magento/magento2#23352, magento/magento2#23536, magento/magento2#23556, magento/magento2#23566, magento/magento2#23573, magento/magento2#23574, magento/magento2#23614, magento/magento2#23612, magento/magento2#23657, magento/magento2#23658, magento/magento2#22510, magento/magento2#23190 magento/magento2#19761, magento/magento2#21214, magento/magento2#3795, magento/magento2#22506, magento/magento2#23080, magento/magento2#22380, magento/magento2#22087, magento/magento2#22767, magento/magento2#22636, magento/magento2#23238, magento/magento2#22736, magento/magento2#23377, magento/magento2#23285, magento/magento2#22676, magento/magento2#23038, magento/magento2#23467, magento/magento2#23354, magento/magento2#22950, magento/magento2#22940, magento/magento2#16446
Atwix magento/magento2#22873, magento/magento2#23019, magento/magento2#22915, magento/magento2#22783, magento/magento2#23158, magento/magento2#23579 magento/magento2#22786, magento/magento2#22822, magento/magento2#22899, magento/magento2#22771, magento/magento2#23233
Mediotype magento/magento2#21550, magento/magento2#22610 magento/magento2#21852, magento/magento2#22563
AYKO magento/magento2#22801, magento/magento2#22180, magento/magento2#23331 magento/magento2#21473, magento/magento2#19761, magento/magento2#18337
H&O magento/magento2#23167, magento/magento2#23152  
Ranosys Technologies magento/magento2#23331, magento/magento2#23536 magento/magento2#18337, magento/magento2#23377
Netz98 magento/magento2#23190  
Pinpoint magento/magento2#23439 magento/magento2#21380
TechDivision magento/magento2#22805 magento/magento2#21842
ISM eCompany magento/magento2#22936 magento/magento2#18651
integer_net GmbH magento/magento2#23163  

System requirements

Our technology stack is built on PHP and MySQL. For details, see Technology stack requirements.

Installation and upgrade instructions

See How to get the Magento software for complete installation and upgrade information.

Migration toolkits

The Data Migration Tool helps transfer existing Magento 1.x store data to Magento 2.x. This command-line interface includes verification, progress tracking, logging, and testing functions. For installation instructions, see Install the Data Migration Tool. Consider exploring or contributing to the Magento Data Migration repository.

The Code Migration Toolkit helps transfer existing Magento 1.x store extensions and customizations to Magento 2.2.x. The command-line interface includes scripts for converting Magento 1.x modules and layouts.
