Order processing tutorial

Step 2. Get the admin token

Each step in this tutorial provides the following information:


This section lists the HTTP verb and full path to the endpoint. The basic structure of a REST call in Magento is

<HTTP verb> http://<host>/rest/<scope>/<endpoint>


Element Description
HTTP verb One of GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE
host The hostname or IP address (and optionally, port) of the Magento installation.
scope Specifies which store the call affects. In this tutorial, this value is default.
endpoint The full URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) to the endpoint. These values always start with /V1. For example, /V1/orders/4.

HTTP headers:

This section indicates which key/value pairs you must specify in the HTTP headers. All calls require one or more HTTP headers.


This section lists the information that is sent to Magento. All payload samples are valid and can be copied and pasted into your calls, but you might need to change the id values that Magento returns.


This section lists the information that Magento sends to the REST client. These values are often referenced in other steps in the tutorial. The values Magento returns might be different than the values listed in the examples provided in this tutorial.

Get the admin authorization token

Most REST calls to Magento require an authorization token. The token allows Magento to verify that the caller is authorized to access a system resource. To get a token, you must specify the user’s username and password in the payload.

By default, an admin token is valid for 4 hours. To change this value, log in to Admin and go to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Services > OAuth > Access Token Expiration > Admin Token Lifetime (hours).

See Token-based authentication for more information about authorization tokens.


POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/integration/admin/token


Content-Type application/json


  "username": "admin",
  "password": "123123q"


Magento returns the admin’s access token.


This token must be specified in the authorization header of every call that requires admin permissions.

Verify this step

There are no additional verification steps. Tokens are not displayed in Admin.
