Configure caching

Magento enables you to configure alternatives to the default file system caching. This guide discusses some of those alternatives; namely,

  • Set up the following cache mechanisms in the Magento configuration:

    • Database
    • Redis
    • File system (default): No configuration is necessary to use file system caching.
  • Set up the Varnish without modifying the Magento configuration.

We’ll periodically add more cache alternatives so watch this space.

Magento uses the following caching terminology:

  • Frontend: Similar to an interface or gateway to cache storage, implemented by Magento\Framework\Cache\Frontend.
  • Cache types: Can be one of the types provided with Magento or you can create your own.
  • Backend: Specifies details about cache storage, implemented by Magento\Framework\Cache\Backend
  • Two-level backend: Stores cache records in two backends—a faster one and a slower one.

    Two-level backend cache configuration is beyond the scope of this guide at this time.

This topic discusses the following options for configuring caching:

  • Modifying the provided default cache frontend, which means you modify only <magento_root>/app/etc/di.xml (the Magento application’s global dependency injection configuration)
  • Configuring your own custom cache frontend, which means you modify only <magento_root>/app/etc/env.php because it overrides the equivalent configuration in di.xml

Varnish requires no changes to the Magento configuration. For more information, see Configure and use Varnish.
