Google reCAPTCHA

This extension adds the Google reCAPTCHA module to your Magento installation. Google reCAPTCHA provides a greater level of security for both the storefront and Admin UI than is available with standard CAPTCHA, and gives you the ability to:

  • Verify when customers create accounts, retrieve passwords, log in to their accounts, or contact your company.
  • Enhance security when Admin users log in.

Google reCAPTCHA reduces potential user error when entering a Captcha code and encourages cart conversion without adding hurdles during checkout.

Magento Community Contribution - Magento thanks Riccardo Tempesta of MageSpecialist for contributing these features as part of the Magento Community Engineering program.

Install Module

The Google reCAPTCHA extension is bundled and installed with Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce 2.1.18 and 2.2.9 and later.

Install the extension using the following Composer command:

composer require msp/recaptcha

To complete installation in an existing Magento instance, run the following commands to enable the module:

bin/magento module:enable MSP_ReCaptcha
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:clean

Configure reCAPTCHA

See the Magento Admin User Guide for configuration options to the Magento Admin UI and storefront.


The extension supports a command line option for disabling reCAPTCHA. Use this command when you cannot access the Magento Admin UI.

bin/magento msp:security:recaptcha:disable