Functional Testing Framework Entities

Functional Testing Framework entities enable you to create and modify functional tests. For example, you want to cover with functional tests the process of creation the widget Catalog Category Link. To do this you have to create injectable test.

As widget functionality is not covered with tests, you need to create widget fixture, that is your object for testing. You will describe the test data that will be applied to the widget object in repository topic.

You want to automate creating of Catalog Category Link widget, that requires to have a category. As far creating of new category is out of the scope of your testing, you will use handlers to prepare it.

To understand what blocks and pages you need in the test, you should perform tests manually. Using blocks and pages entities you can create and define blocks and pages objects for tests.

When you have all building blocks for the test you can determine steps of injectable test.

Any test requires different variations of data sets and corresponding constraints.
