Update the Functional Testing Framework

The Magento Testing Framework (MTF) is superseded by the Magento Functional Testing Framework (MFTF). While the MTF is still functional, all MTF tests are being ported over to the MFTF. We recommend using the MFTF for testing.

Two types of updates are available.

Use this type of update if the version of the Functional Testing Framework in <magento2>/dev/tests/functional/composer.json and last version in <magento2>/dev/tests/functional/vendor/magento/mtf/CHANGELOG.md are different. For example, when you updated Magento.

Use this type of update if you want to update dependent software from composer.json, or changed composer.json dependencies.

Install a new version of the Functional Testing Framework

Step 1. To avoid conflicts with the previous version, remove directory <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/generate.

Step 2. Remove file <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/composer.lock.

Why: Composer reads dependencies from composer.lock instead of reading composer.json. File composer.lock currently is not maintained.

Step 3. Perform and check installation.

Update components from dependencies in composer.json

Enter in terminal:

cd <magento2_root_dir>/dev/tests/functional/
composer update